Based upon the info I am hearing, Walmarts CEO, Michael T Duke, is - TopicsExpress


Based upon the info I am hearing, Walmarts CEO, Michael T Duke, is said to earn the equivalent of around $8,461 an hour. That is the equivalent of paying 1,167 people to work for an hour at minimum wage. There is simply no way one can justify paying ONE person that amount of money AND fight to stop efforts to raise the minimum wage - I do not care what s/he does. Am I ok with CEOs earning more than other workers? Yes. Am I ok with there being pay scales with certain jobs paying more than others? Yes. But that kind of difference is obscene. Obscene. Full Disclosure - I am not one who refuses to shop at Walmart. I am NOT going to drive an additional 40 miles to do my shopping to buy the same stuff for a higher price from a different company who still pays minimum wage without decent benefits, because of some inner need to appear as an angel of light. My problem is not with Walmart existing - although I do have problems with how they ended up in the position they are - or with their CEO being paid a lot of money, but rather with how they pay some of their upper echelon so much MORE while keeping the majority of their workers - full time workers - at a pay level that requires them to still seek government assistance in order to get by. (same is true for any corporation - not just Walmart.) And I absolutely find it of a damning nature that taxpayers have been looted, by their governments, to subsidize Walmart to, at last count, more than $1.2 billion in tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing and outright grants from state and local governments around the country. Not to mention the additional subsidies required because so many who work there have to also seek either public assistance in the form of food stamps or medicaid. Fine.... you want to stop handouts to the poor? Be my guest. But start by ending all handouts to the rich. Until then, as far as I am concerned, you are simply blowing smoke out of your arse.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 17:15:11 +0000

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