Bashar - Awakening To All Portions Of Yourself Allow us to say, - TopicsExpress


Bashar - Awakening To All Portions Of Yourself Allow us to say, at this time, that within any blending, within any acceptance, within any integration, as you begin to become cognizant of the gathering together of all that you have ever been - so that you can allow yourself to exist in the now moment in this point of space - you will from time to time, allow yourself to realize that the energy that is coursing within you may allow you to experience all of the valves that you have closed, that you have tightened, through the adoption of certain beliefs in your physiological life. And that the experience of any discomfort in those areas is only indicative of the fact that you are now willing to open those valves, awaken those areas within you. Do not fear. Anything that you will discover within that experience will be a worthwhile facet of your consciousness - will only add to the overall understanding of your momentum and your cognition of the services that you have chosen to perform in this life. There are many levels of consciousness that are willing, in a sense, to aid and assist. Avail yourself of that assistance. And recognize that as you avail yourself of that assistance, what you are allowing yourself to do is to utilize those portions and those levels of your own consciousness that exist on the same level /as/ the consciousness from which you think you are receiving assistance. It is the communication from that consciousness on that level, to your consciousness on that level, that allows you to create the aid and assistance you need from your own energy for yourself. That is how you allow other consciousnesses to assist you. By accepting and allowing and acknowledging their love for you - and transforming their love for you into the love for yourself - that will allow you to allow your physical reality to become the ease of creation without struggle, without strife. Simply open to all portions of yourself, and recognize that there is no need for you to manifest those cognitions in painful ways. For there is no need to continue to create yourself to be separate from that which you know to be true for you. This is an indication that you no longer need to fight your own ecstasy, and that only the fighting of your own ecstasy is what creates the scenario and the sensation of the pain. Do remember that vulnerability is infinite strength and indestructibility. For vulnerability is the willingness to be open to All That Is. Being open to All That Is allows you to connect to All That Is. Connecting to All That Is allows you to experience yourself as infinitely strong and self- empowered. So your vulnerability at this time of transformation, in allowing energies to flow through you, in allowing yourself to expand into another idea of what you are as a consciousness - which is the same thing - need not be experienced in a painful way. For you will allow yourself to know that you are only discovering more and more of the ecstasy from which you are created. Anxiety is the same energy as excitement. Allow the meaning of the symbol to transform from a negative invalidation to a positive affirmation of the creation - the ongoing creation - that each and every one of you are. There are many blendings of polarities for many of you, this night of your time. And in a sense, another gateway, another doorway, and a type of crystallization is taking place within individuals who have specifically chosen their path to manifest as an expression of polarity. Some of this will have to do with what has been termed the upwelling and usurping and integration of Orion energies. And many familial connections are being made this evening of your time - both with each other and within yourselves. For you are unto yourself, in a sense, your own family. And now is the time that you have allowed yourself to begin to adopt all portions of the family that you are within the self. Release and flow. Enjoy and love all that you discover yourself to be. Live in the ecstasy of the moment of self-discovery; and then none of that discovery need be painful. Our unconditional love to you all. Sharing! Q: I... in my own words, to continue what youre saying... that applies to me. My needs are tearing me apart against my preferences. There are physical needs to do things; I tend to run ahead - run away - from those things. I understand what youre saying, as an action of go ahead and do the exciting things, and feel the ecstasy, etc. But my needs... I feel grounded... I feel... B: Why do you think they are needs? Q: Well, I tend to try to ignore them. Thats why. B: Tend to try? Does that mean try to try? Q: I try to try to ignore them... B: Who says you have to ignore anything? Ignoring things is what allows them to become overwhelming. Q: Okay. Let me describe, in a way ... like, I dont really want to work to make a living, to be in a physical body, to be, in physical time... B: Now, one moment. You are a physical body in physical time. So you can allow one thing to be obvious: if you are where you are, you obviously chose to do so. Therefore, first of all and fundamentally, allow yourself to recognize that as long as you remain physical, you obviously still think there is a reason for it. The second - the microsecond - you truly no longer believe you have a purpose in being physical, you wont be. So as long as you continue to remain so, take it for granted that you think you need to be so, for some reason. Q: Well... okay, thank you for that. The feeling I get... I feel as though the awareness of when Im here in the physical body - this one here - is that I feel in pain. I feel like Im more of an energy unit or something. More of a... just another space; I feel I am another space. B: You are your own space and your own time. Q: It doesnt fit... okay, it doesnt fit here; I dont feel like I fit. B: If you didnt fit, you wouldnt be here. So take it for granted that you obviously do fit: otherwise you would be somewhere else. Q: Yeah. Okay, I appreciate that. And... B: The idea of fitting, however, doesnt have to mean, conforming. Q: Oh, yeah, I acknowledge that. I feel like as though Im attenuating ... like something... like you say, accelerating. B: Yes. Q: Im getting toward the last little upward spiral - the little thing - before Im no longer involved in that dichotomy of myself. B: All right. But do recognize that the paradox of the situation is, in order to experience what you are talking about, the first thing you need to do is become fully involved where you are, in the moment. By being in the now moment, where you are, is when you connect to all that you possibly can become - and then /become/ it. Q: Ill improve on that. B: You will simply be different. Q: Thank you. Q: I had a realization about that concept of the idea of complete willingness to be an Earth person. B: Yes. Q: And many of us I know, down through the years, have been unwilling... have an awareness of past and future, other planets, other civilizations... B: Yes, yes, yes. Q: ... and having the unwillingness to be... but since we are here, we very much /are/ Earthmen... B: (In a female voice). And women. (Much laughter) Q: Thats why I said Earth person the first time. And its a complete willingness to contact the moment. And this is something Im working on. B: Yes! For this is just as valid as anywhere else you have ever been, or could ever be. Q: Exactly. B: If it isnt, then you invalidate everything else you have ever done as well. For they are all here now. Thank you! Q2: Just arrived a few moments ago. B: Yes! Q: I presume that the timing was perfect. B: Absolutely! For in this way, as we have said, there is the attraction and the conglomeration of many different facets of Orion energy this evening of your time. Q: Well, certainly I was not privy to whatever went before; I will listen to the tape. B: All right. Q: I may find that it answers some questions that I have, but Im going to ask the questions that I have anyway. B: All right. We did not image that you wouldnt. Q: Um, Ive had a fascinating week and a half. Approximately ten days. B: Yes. Yes. Q: Last week I created for myself reflections from other people, in my reality, of being perceived as incompetent... B: Ah! Q: ... in my job. B: I see. Q: Which was very interesting. B: All right. Q: Steve is over there, shaking his head. Does that mean that you agree, or you experienced the same thing? (Steve): The answers that I had to that is we are all incompetent, and we are all competent; we contain both polarities. Q: Well, it was really fascinating, because it hadnt occurred to me quite this way before - not to the intensity. I experienced some very strong emotions with regard to it. B: All right. Q: And, also others things that I created, such as, I was supposed to get a large check, and they only sent me a small portion of it. B: So you are saying they are incompetent too. Q: Thats true. I did recognize that. B: All right. Q: Which was great. Finally, you know, after talking with several people, I finally got the check that I needed, right at the last - within the last few hours... B: At the perfect moment. Q: Yeah? Not necessarily the most convenient, but the perfect moment. B: All right. But it was the most convenient for the scenario that was built around that action. For it allowed you to realize what it was you designed for yourself to realize in many different ways - and explore different levels of the entire event. Q: Yeah. B: So it was the most convenient for that scenario. Q: I presume that it was. B: All right. Very good. Q: I presume its all perfect. B: Yes, it is. Q: However, it leaves me with a little... just kind of wondering... Im willing to just kind of go for it, and allow this not to go... allow this to go... B: Thank you. Therefore, allow us to suggest that the idea of incompetence may simply be your willingness to explore the idea of whether or not you prefer to fulfill other individuals expectation, or not. Q: Yah...? B: Incompetence is simply the idea of a judgment of an individual who may not be willing to fulfill ones expectations. Q: True. Including ones own expectations. B: Yes. Q: So certainly, exercising a preference would never carry the judgment of incompetence. If one didnt measure up to expectations, then you wouldnt judge that expectation. B: Yes. Q: Is there anything else - any kind of energy flux or pattern, or something happening with this? B: Yes. Tis also, to some degree, the perusal of energies that allow you to, perhaps, gain more clarity on what it is that does, in fact, excite you truly. In this way, therefore, recognizing that expectations may be an indication - well, let us say - that your heart isnt in it. Perhaps it is somewhere else. Q: Yeah, okay. And I had looked at that too. B: All right. Q: Thats very, very interesting, I want to explore what I mentioned earlier, about the check arriving just at the last minute. And um... because with that, I was able to look at it and say: Well now, is this something thats telling me that maybe I shouldnt go ahead and make this investment? (I made an investment and I needed a check from somebody else to cover the investment.) And then the question: Well, should I really not be making this investment? Is this what this is telling me? Although, on the other hand, I must follow my excitement. I still felt excited about... B: Very good. Then you are giving the meaning to the situation and the symbol. And therefore, the meaning you give it is what comes out, as what you are being told. Q: Say that again. B: All right. When you say: Well, what is this situation telling me? The situation can only tell you what you put into it. Q: True. B: So, if you recognize that you are using the symbol as something to recognize your excitement, then it is telling you that if you are still excited about it, go ahead. If you are having doubts, it is telling you: Hold back. Q: Oh, okay. So, well, if the doubts only came from the idea that the check was late, but if in the final analyses, it wasnt... B: It wasnt. Q: ... it wasnt, and I still wanted to go through with the transaction... B: Up to you. Q: So it kind of intensifies... B: Yes. Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Thats the whole point! It intensifies it by bringing every single variable and factor in the situation down to one moment. So you are living in the moment with that event. Q: Yeah. B: Thats the whole idea. Very good! Q: Thank you. B: Very creative. Very artistic. Q: Thank you. B: Thank you very much! Q: I have one more question, if I might. One more! Since I wasnt here for the first part, I figure I can get a couple more in here. Um... I had a dream Sunday night, wherein... now, I rarely remember my dreams, and thats fine, I like it that way. This one I remember: I was standing on the street, looking up at a building, which had maybe 20 floors. And in two of the windows, one...Tape change. B ... an energy manifestation. Q: Yes. Which was similar to the globes that you see - they are kind of high-technique globes that... B: High technique. Q: Yes. I was (inaudible). Well you see little small bursts of what appear to be lightning, coming from a central core out to... the surface. B: Ah, we understand. Q: Okay. Well, there was that kind of energy manifestation where there were 360 degree spherical bursts. And I was standing next to a guy, who seemed to be Robert, who is an actor, a guy that I know. I dont know why him, but that seemed to be the person. And I looked up, and I watched these things happen, it was interesting; and then I woke up, and my body was charged with an energy. B: Ah! Q: So, I presume from there - I felt quite good about it - that it came from a source that I was co-creating with someone else outside. B: Yes. Q: Is this the same contact that I had a few weeks ago, where I elevated someone in a spacecraft? B: Let us say it was the raw energy state that created that situation, but not the same situation. Q: Okay. B: It was the potentialized state. You were recognizing yourself as the capacitor that has the capacity to release that energy and elevate yourself to different levels of awareness. Q: Oh. B: The next window up. Q: Ah, yeah. B: Thank you! Q: Far out! B: You! Q3: Okay, could you tell us what the energy was that came through right at the beginning, after the break? B: There are many blendings going on, this evening of your time. Q: Yes, I know you said that. B: There was a specific tinge, shall we say, of some Orion energy. Q: Ah hah! B: So there could be a little bit of familiarity with certain individuals, allowing them to know that their awakenings are making a difference far more than they may immediately perceive. Q: It was very powerful. I have something else I would like to share with you, and ask you a question about. Ever since we took the first field trip to your ship? B: Yes. Q: I... oh, at that time, as I was leaving, I hugged those beings on your ship. And ever since then, once in a while, I have been practicing dissolving my environment... B: All right. Q: And then coming onto your ship, and seeing these three beings. And I know that its valid in my imagination; and I was wondering if it was valid in their imagination? B: Of course. Q: I mean, are they... B: Yes. Q: ... are they aware of it? B: Recognize that my communication with you is taking place in my imagination. Since I know my imagination is real, I know we are communicating. Q: Yes. But this is a little different, because... B: Why? Q: Well, no, I guess not. I know. Okay, I dont really know much about them, except that I... B: That is all right. They are simply there to assist you in your practice. Q: My perception is that... B: They are there to catch you - not that you need protecting - but just to catch you when you throw yourself... in their direction. Q: We... do they perceive that I actually come on the ship, and talk to them? B: In a sense, yes. Now, they do recognize that you are not transporting yourself in what you would call your bodily form. Q: No, right. B: But they do know they are communicating with your consciousness, yes. Q: Okay, because I get a lot of strong joy - a lot of love and a lot of laughter with them, too. B: Yes, yes. Q: And, my perception... B: We have a very happy ship! Q: I know. My perception is that there are two males and a female. Is that right? B: We do perceive the two males. Q: Uh huh. B: The third... (pause) I see. The third is not one of what you would call our permanent members. And therefore, at times is male; at times is female. Q: Oh. Ah. Oh. Thats neat. What planet, civilization, does this...(laughter)... will you give him my love? B: Yes. Q: Thank you. B: /Our love to you/. Thank you. Q: Its wonderful. B: Did you catch this? Q: Yes. (Laughter) Other in audience: No, you didnt. Q: I didnt? What is that supposed to mean? Other: He just channeled him for you. Q: Oh. B: In a sense, what you are doing is projecting a portion of your own future identity as that being, and catching yourself. Q: Ahhh. B: I just gave them your love. Q: I see. I think. I see. Thank you very much.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:17:00 +0000

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