Basic GHRH and CJC Dosing Protocol Basics As we age, its not - TopicsExpress


Basic GHRH and CJC Dosing Protocol Basics As we age, its not that our body stops producing growth hormone, its that the signalling pathways that control the release of it fall into disuse. In order to restore our growth hormone levels to youthful levels, we can do a few different things: Administer Exogenous Growth Hormone Administer peptides that signal the release of growth hormone from the pituitary(endogenous) There are pro’s and cons to each of these methods. The administration of exogenous gh causes acute dose dependent hyperglycemia, which over time can cause a semi-permanent elevation of resting BG. This is rarely seen but when it oes occur most mistakenly believe that it is actually metabolic syndrome. It can normally be restored easily to pre administration levels through a very low carb diet and staying lean for a few weeks. WIth causing the release of endogenous growth hormone the only real downside of it is that the levels of growth hormone seen in bodybuilding usage cannot always be reached nor sustained. It is possible to cause a spike equivalent to the elevation seen in GH administration but it is very short lived in duration. Where , in my humble(i am so lying here) opinion, the real magic lies in these peptides for bodybuilding is to trick the body a bit when administering exogenous growth hormone=-) This is a topic for advanced bodybuilders and i am gonna do my very best to cover it. I am not going to quote studies done on rats, i am not going to fret about not getting you 97.8% of the total gh at one time in your pituitary and creating a complex dosing scheme to do it. What i will indeed do here, is explain how to take these peptides for research in a livable manner that gets you 95% (rough guesstimation here) of the total available WITHOUT impacting your life. It will be easy, you will reap the benefits and you will indeed be a happy camper. Reconstitution Reconstituting peptides is the process of taking the lypholized disc of peptide and adding bacteriostatic water or saline. I prefer bac water but to each their own. People mistakenly confuse iu’s with mcg and i assure you that you dose peptides based on the amount o actual peptide not the volume of water. IU is a measurement of volume and mcg is a measurement of weight or strength. So for these two items i normally reconstitute with 2ml of water. Let me explain how this breaks down: CJC and IPAM 2mg per bottle - i recon with 2ml of water. This means that every ml has 1mg of peptide in it. Now a standard 100iu 1ml syringe would mean that every 10 on the pin has 100mcg of peptide in it. GHRP2 and GHRP6 5mg per bottle - i recon with 2ml of water. This means that every ml has 2mg of peptide in it. Now a standard 100iu 1ml syringe would mean that every 10 on the pin has 250mcg of peptide in it. Dosing Dosing is a super complex subject. If you are going for quality of life, even a single dose pre-bed of cjc and ipam is sufficient to restore gh to a youthful level. If you are talking fat loss, we bump it up to say 3 times a day. If we are trying to approximate bodybuilding gh dosages at the lower end, we take it 5 to 7 times a day. Now you are probably reading that thinking 7 needles a day. It sucks but the effects are pretty crazy. For the majority of research, most goals can be accomplished in 3 to 5 doses. The pituitary is an amazing little thing that essentially refills its stores of gh in 2.5 to 3 hours. Crazy impressive right? So theoretically you can dose these compounds every roughly 3 hours. If do that you can get a considerable dose of gh. I have seen varying numbers but the beauty of it is, that this is endogenous and is not some shitty 192aa synthetic from china. Its kinda like pharmaceutical grade. So 1 to 2 iu goes a very very long way. So lets go with a basic reccommendation here. I think that the first two dosing times are no brainers for your research animals. One is immediately upon waking. You will be in a fasted state, not necessary but kinda nice as both carbs and fat can blunt the gh pulse a bit. The second dosing time is immediately pre bedtime meal. Now with all of these, i reccommend taking the dose waiting ten minutes and eating. GIve the pulse time to happen before we start mowing down. Then the 3rd time is a no brainer too, immediately before your PREWORKOUT meal. Again wait ten minutes. Other doses can be added as desired, just try to get them an hour and a half to two hours after your last meal. Peptide Choice So basically there are choices to be made in the peptide arena. First we will look at the choices of CJC. THe cjc is what actually signals the gh release and causes the pulse. There are two basic types(someone will argue here i know) CJC1295 No DAC - this is the one we are discussing in the context of this article. It signlas the pituitary to release gh. Pretty basic. Not much exciting about it. CJC1295 WITH DAC - DAC is Drug Affinity Complex. It causes the compound to be active for a longer duration. The term gh bleed has been attributed to it and a feminine release pattern. I disagree. If the goal is elevated GH Serum levels, why would a continuously elevated level not be desired? Things that make you go HMMM. That being said, its not in scope here but there are times you want a pulse and times you want continuous elevation. Now on the GHRH’s which control the amplitude of the pulse. Amplitude in this context means, how much gh is released. I like to keep things nice and simple to bring peptides in reach of the common person. There are a few choices here: GHRP2 - this one has the most powerful gh release at a given dosage. It does increase prolactin and cortisol at higher dosages and does over time desensitize. I have stayed on it a few months and gh levels, verified by bloodwork, were still significantly elevated. GHRP6 - This is not quite as strong of a release as the 2 but it has this amazing ass side effect of uncrontrollable hunger. I mean crazy hunger. The same thing happens at a high dosage of 2 but we are talking 500 to 1000mg. It does increase cortisol and prolactin and desensitize. Again, a few months, gh levels still sufficiently elevated. Ipamorelin - my favorite. All i am going to say regarding this one is , there is no cutoff. Going to just leave that there and let you investigate on your own. Anyway, lowest gh release but virtually no cortisol or prolactin increase so dosages can be taken to compensate. Big fan of this one. Just pricey to take 1mg every dose.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:18:22 +0000

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