Basic concept of #lawfulrebellion 15 posts • Page 1 of 2 - TopicsExpress


Basic concept of #lawfulrebellion 15 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 12 Basic concept of lawful rebellion. Postby bustachemtrails » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:31 pm fmotl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=10057 This is a long but short basic concept of lawful rebellion. It shows the process and your standing but the process is whatever you make it. It will be personal to your circumstances once you have served an Oath of allegiance to one of the barons committee: Lord Ashbourne I am informed is out of the scene with dementia. He was one of 4 barons who petitioned the (alleged) monarch in person. The other three are as follows. Baron Hamilton of Dalzell-Betchworth house, Betchworth, Surrey RH3 7AU: Viscount Massereene-C/O MD Barnard and Co 150 Minories, London EC3N 1LS: Duke of Rutland-Hadden Hall, Bakewell,Derbyshire. DE4 1LA More info on the other 21 barons of the committee and petition itself: thesecretpeople.wordpress/lawful-rebellion/lawful-rebellion-the-peers/ you can for example de-register your private conveyance (motor) or reclaim your property, in fact you could even become apart of the sovereign state of Forvik (shetland Isles) and enjoy diplomatic immunity if you own land (or more accurately are a custodian of that land).... but thats another story. You can just simply contest any claims made against you by using notices or affidavits if you are not in a position to be more pro-active. Conditionally accept things....I conditionally accept that I owe said fine/tax on proof of claim that you have authority to make the claim etc.... You may not want to go down that route and, you may just wish to report the treason matter to the police (as is your duty to stay within the law, or be guilty of misprision of treason otherwise) and pay up (if it will cause you loss to do otherwise), under duress, but always deny the so called courts any jurisdiction whatsoever and, demand properly convened de jure (trial by jury) hearings in open forum for any matter, which cannot be delayed or denied under the constitution and the common law, which all stands under gods law. Remember you are sovereign. You have entitlements not benefits. It is a system of service or treason must have been committed by its lack. Its very simple really. The system is supposed to serve you not the other way around. The beauty of lawful rebellion is in its simplicity. To understand the simple process however requires you to understand a completely different way of thinking, it is a way of life even, it promotes mutual respect as we are all sovereign, we must be honourable in our dealings, we must know the truth in law and take responsibility for our actions or omissions. Because it is such a different world in reality from what we have all grown up to be conditioned too, and how it appears on soap operas, it can seem a little complicated to some good folk. The very basic concept goes something like this: Firstly, understand that we are all sovereign beings (man and woman living breathing beings). That the legal system is totally corrupted and is usurping the common law blatantly, as it does not stand under the rule of law (CONSTITUTION) and is therefore unlawful (treasonous). TREASON: To hand over the peoples sovereignty therefore, their right to consent to be governed by their own laws and customs, to a foreign nation or entity unless we have been conquered in war. That the office of sovereign is either vacant or simply non existent at this time, as the sovereignty is by default back with the people. This occurred the very first time royal assent was given to a law that failed to correspond to the constitution (rule of law). The sovereignty was held under the coronation oath and contract and has been breached thousands of times. That Elizabeth Mountbaton (AKA Windsor) deposed herself of the title of sovereign that was entrusted in her by the people under oath and contract. Or has been deposed of the title by treasonous quislings (traitors) in parliament and the corporate world. Parliament lies and states that it holds the sovereignty, it does not, they are mere public servants yet in reality unelected and positioned by control of the media and voting fraud. They have been positioned by the Bilderberg Group since the Heath Administration in the early 1970s. That we have an ancient written constitution that cannot be, and has not been repealed or replaced, of which Magna Carta 1215 cannot be touched by Parliament as it is pre- parliament and customary. Customs are thus also not subject to parliament under the rule of law. That the constitution protects the sovereignty (the right to stand by our own laws and customs rather than a foreign jurisdiction i.e. the E.U.). That we have a system of service that stands under common law and the rule of law (which EVERYONE IS SUBJECT TOO INCLUDING THE MONARCH) and, which all stands under the laws of god. Therefore we have god given rights or inalienable rights that were never given and cannot be taken away. We have the right to clean water and to fresh air as basic god given rights... we have the right to justice and a duty to protect our system of justice that we get within trials by jury traditionally. When did you last do jury service? That it is treason to allow royal assent to be granted to any law that does not fall within the constraints of the constitution. Since the 1911 Parliament Act, all acts and statutes have been passed into law whilst the constitution has been subverted. The said Act diluted the royal prerogative (which is unconstitutional) so that royal assent could not be passed or revoked unless with the backing of a Parliamentary minister. The monarch is supposed to be the safety bar from treasonous (unconstitutional) acts being passed into law. She (Elizabeth Mountbaton) should of at least of prorogued Parliament (dissolved it and called an election). Some say she cannot and is trapped. I think not, but a jury should decide her collusion/innocence in the treason plot. That within that system of service we are happy to stand under common law, which is simple and common sense. it is just. It is unwritten and is of the constitution and gods law (the commandments are inline with justice, morality and natural law, ethics and the common law). That we are no longer deceived by the treasonous rules of the corporate regime, administrative hearings under the rules of shipping and contract law. Which require your consent to act unlawfully against you. There is a maxim in law that they use to their advantage: let those who will be deceived be deceived. Stop being deceived people. That under the constitution, common law and gods law, it is a criminal offence to aid and abet treason, terrorism and war crimes (obviously). All these are well evidenced crimes that ONLY require a proper hearing to be exposed in open forum, and the evidence is readily available to the discerning. That it is our solemn duty under the constitution to report the crimes of treason to a justice of the peace. That we can be charged with misprision of treason (1795 treason Act Sec 1.) if we know of an act of treason being planned or committed and not to report the crime to a justice of the peace as soon as possible. Therefore we have no choice but to act according to the law. Do not be decieved when someone tells you that Tony B-liar repealed the 1795 Treason Act and the death penalty for high treason he did NOT. It was an Act of Treason at common law to even attempt to do so. That once someone has been given Notice of the crime of treason they MUST report that crime or, we hold the evidence against them for their wilful act of treason i.e. high treason with the copies of the notices and evidence we have served. Including postage receipt as proof of receipt and signatory witnesses to the notice/affidavit. That the situation today has become very dangerous indeed. More and more austerity, payouts for the wealthy and blatant acts of treachery will at some stage bring civil unrest, they want that to impose further more draconian restrictions and, so that they can enforce micro chips on the people and ethically cleanse the unwanted, under marshal law (most likely). That we have Lawful excuse to commit lesser crimes in order to avoid committing a bigger crime, think about it. We cannot pay into a treasonous regime as aiding and abetting treason is more of a criminal act than failing to honour our agreements i.e. pay taxes, fines etc (which were created fraudulently anyway). That we have a duty to distress the monarch and its institutions under constitutional law, until redress of the crime of treason has been remedied. Its right there in the unrepealed current Magna Carta 1215 Article 61, which HAS been lawfully invoked according to the constitution and was reported within the media (daily Telegraph and Daily mail). That we must peacefully reject the regime and do so by standing under the constitutional and common law principle of cause no harm (except where the crown is concerned though we cannot cause bodily harm nevertheless). We can hold their possessions and take over public buildings lawfully. That it is unlawful to give any aid and comfort to anybody of this realm who is not standing by the barons committee at this time in lawful rebellion. We can even remove them from their houses and leave them with nothing no aid and comfort under the constitution (Magna Carta 1215 Article 61).. We must demand our fellow sovereign beings support the invoked Magna Carta article 61 according to the constitution/Rule of law. That the law society nor the crown prosecution service have any authority over you. They are criminal public servants. Unless you give your consent to their jurisdiction tacitly or otherwise they cannot act against you lawfully. The constitution provides remedy but only when we reject this criminal regime en masse. That at least 1.4 million courageous beings of these Islands died protecting what? They died in two (contrived) world wars protecting your right to self governance, that we have foolishly ALLOWED to be handed to the European Union by traitors within our midst in our profound ignorance. That the Lisbon treaty is the European Unions constitution which is a dictatorship (corpus juris). This Act of treason at common law was committed by the Brown administration in 2008. He must be arrested for this crime as well as a few others. That it is fundamental that we all stop consenting to the summonses (WHICH ARE INVITES ONLY) and demand remedy within a common law (de jure) court rather than the de facto trust hearings run by the mob. That the legislation now being rubber stamped through parliament are directives emanating from the EU constitution (which proves treason is being committed). That traitors/imposters are within the halls of Westminster and all of our public services, who are all compounding treason, terrorism, war crimes, fraud, and many more crimes besides. All can be evidenced quite succinctly but will only be justly affective in a trial by jury hearing, standing under common Law and the consitution. You will NOT receive justice or remedy in their de facto (so called) courts, or in ANY other jurisdiction except possibly Queens bench however, queens bench stands under the queen who is NOT the reigning monarch therefore it would be unconstitutional to do so, even though, on the other hand, it is a common law jurisdiction (allegedly) and as long as it stands under common law entirely, justice would be seen to be done. In the maritime de facto hearings they simply commit blatant perjury and get away with it, that is how bad we have allowed it to get!....what do we expect when imposters are positioned into power by the Bilderberg group? whom of course should normally be voted into service in a fair election but which instead, the process is fronted by the illusion of a fair general election by the controlled main stream media, who make light or fail to report on the constant voting fraud and, who are also corporations hell bent on destroying our sovereignty? That the peace constables must stand under their oaths of office and investigate allegations AND EVIDENCE of crime, and make arrests on that evidence without bias, simply by discerning the facts and thus the credibility of the evidence. If they do not do this then they are committing a serious neglect of duty and misprision of treason at this time. Once notified by lawful notice we retain evidence against them and secure our own lawful defence of innocence (or lawful excuse), which we can easily prove to a jury of our peers. That it is the people who are sovereign not the alleged monarch, who only have to consent to the laws and customs of the land, and who defend the right to self governance by standing under the constitution with vigilance. That under the law of this land and by your birthright, the highest jurisdiction is the laws of God, then you stand under god, and only then does the judge stand as a public servant. You stand with more authority than ANY public servant (judges/magistrates/Peace constables etc). You are sovereign. It is time that we each take back our power and peacefully do our duty in protecting our sovereignty. Without sovereignty there is only slavery. We are many and they are few... We need to get the peace constables to do their job first and foremost. We use the truth of TETRA to prove that the government is intent on destroying our police service and emergency services also. The microwaves from TETRA are extremely harmful. Many policy enforcement officers are too stupid or conditioned to look at the evidenced facts so THEY NEED A WAKE UP CALL ! The fire service are kept ignorant too. All emergency service workers use TETRA communication system. Lawful rebellion done correctly, peacefully, honourably and with determination using only the lawful truth, which we cannot acquiesced too if we want justice to prevail, is essentially an individual stance that when done en masse is omnipotent. It is an unassailable defence and by the notices/affidavits we serve on the public servants (not hard to learn to create - have fun), we provide our own defence under the rule of law that cannot be denied unless someone wants to blatantly commit treason against us. They tend to stop writing to you for some odd reason? When we deny them the opportunity to trade in their de facto courts by not going, and serving non jurisdiction notices on them when we are invited (summonsed), they would soon not be getting paid anymore. The service they pretend to be (Her Majestys Court Service- HMRC) is unlawful and, we must reestablish properly convened court de jure hearings in open forum so that justice can be seen to be done. Without those courts how can we hope to prosecute the traitors within our services? There are notices and affidavits available to look at in the files and some down on the wall (may have to dig - Facebook group - Practical lawful dissent). What do you want to do is the question? Serving conditional acceptance notices on whosoever makes a claim against you for monies is the best way in my view. I conditionally accept your demand for monies on proof of claim that a), the demand is lawful b). you are acting in accordance with Article 61 etc.... More in the templates of notices provided in the files. Learn the power of lawful notices. An unrebutted Notice once delivered by recorded delivery (therefore accepted in law if signed for), which is unrebutted in the time frame you reasonably allow for a reply to be made or, by lack of substance (without addressing or rebutting the points you conditionally accept) becomes your truth in law and, we can make law in this way. All we need to do is use evidential facts proven by written laws that are contained within our constitution and or the bible. It is an entirely lawful, moral and peaceful defensive action as otherwise, we are aiding and abetting the crimes by giving our tacit consent. Peace. Last edited by bustachemtrails on Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:01:46 +0000

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