Basmahs HC! Which ended up more about George than George and - TopicsExpress


Basmahs HC! Which ended up more about George than George and Draco... but both are there so I hope thats alright! Stay tuned for Ariels HC, which I am going to start writing... now! ~Hedwig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow crunched under Basmahs boots as she wandered through the Hogsmeade. She had been a bit uneasy with leaving Hogwarts, even for a brief visit to this little village, but then who wasnt nervous about going anywhere with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named being anywhere doing anything. She had almost expected Hogsmeade visits to stop entirely this year, but Dumbledore hadnt stopped them. If the Headmaster thought the students were safe enough in the village, then it was good enough for her. A bright shop window caught her eye, bringing a smile to Basmahs face. Zonkos was always a pleasure to visit, even more now that the Weasley twins had opened their own shop and were no longer the around to directly supply students with their tricks and charmed objects. The mood in the castle was way too somber, she could use a laugh about now. When she entered the shop, she saw that there was more than just magical tricks and pranks inside today. George? The red head at the counter turned around at the sound of his name. Basmahs brown eyes brightened when she realized she was right. What are you doing here? she asked, walking up to him. She was always happy to see him. The two had almost been in a relationship, but then He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named returned. While everyone else suddenly seemed eager to jump into a relationship, the two of them had decided to put things on hold until... after. After what neither of them really knew, but they always said after. George jerked his head behind the counter, where a door was slightly ajar. Zonko just went into the back. Fred and I want to sell some of our stuff here for you guys. He said he was thinking about closing up though. George looked a little concerned about that, but the moment passed. So how are things? Basmah shrugged. Very dull since the two of you left. I bet, George said with a laugh. The two continued to catch up on what had happened since theyd seen each other last. George seemed to be in a fairly good mood, until he spotted something out the window. She turned and caught a glimpse of a blonde head that could only belong to Draco Malfoy before it disappeared from sight. Slimey git, George muttered quietly. You still dont like him? She asked, sounding surprised. Youre still defending him? He shot back quickly. Basmah shrugged. He really doesnt seem all that bad. Just... a little misguided. She thought back to the first time she had met Draco. Many people would say their first encounters with him had been less than pleasant, but he had been nothing but nice to her then and even now. Only a little? George shook his head at the statement. It seemed like she couldnt get his view to change so easily. Then he seemed to get an idea Hey, if I can get you some stuff, say some free samples from our shop, could you pass it around? Of course! She seemed excited by this idea. I can put them out in the Common Room. You know theyd go fast. Nothing wrong with expanding the customer base, George said with a sly smile. I can make a drop off out here every time theres a trip out here for you to restock. Basmah nodded excitedly. That would work perfectly. She suddenly found herself with a reason to look forward to these weekend trips. Excellent! George said, as Zonko finally came out from the back with a large book. George almost looked disappointed that their talk had to end. Ive got to... Its fine, Basmah said with a nod. Go do your business. She turned to go. George suddenly pulled her back, one arm around her waist. He planted a quick kiss on her forehead. I missed you. Missed you too, she gave him a quick hug before wandering out of the shop. Now she wanted to find Draco. She thought he had looked troubled when he had passed by the shop window. She headed off towards the Three Broomsticks, knowing that if anyone wasnt at Zonkos there was a good chance shed find them there. As she approached she spotted him leaving the building. She called out to him, picking up her pace. He looked up at his name, and for the first time in a while she saw a brief smile on his face.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:39:46 +0000

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