Batman: Arkham Origins. ...A great game. Thats putting it - TopicsExpress


Batman: Arkham Origins. ...A great game. Thats putting it mildly. But lets get the negatives out of the way first. Most of the bosses were pretty boring. Sure, they looked awesome, and were pretty ingeniously put together. But actually playing against them... Well, wasnt that impressive. It was more like the first game. Simple bosses, no real variation. That said, there were a few encounters I really did enjoy (and some bonus ones I havent gotten to yet, and has therefore not the ability to judge), so it wasnt all hopeless. The game was somewhat really glitchy, too. Usually it didnt bother me, but when the glitches caused the game to lag (on a PS3), or didnt save after a bossfight while being stuck in an endless animation-loop, forcing me to restart the 10-minute bossfight again... Well, thats sort of annoying. Im also convinced they could do loads more with the city itself. This was before Arkham City, guys. You can hardly expect me to believe that just because its christmas, NO one apart from criminals are outside. No cars, nothing. I dont expect GTAV-citizens, but something? That said, though? The game was pretty damn good. The new gadgets were... Pretty much the same as the former game, with a few variations. I, however, liked them. I just think you couldve done more with the Remote Claw than just certain points. I understand that not ever surface couldve been used, again. But just a little more, so it actually worked like the Line Launcher (Which I used quite a lot in the former game). But the other gadgets? They worked well. I especially fell in love with the Shock Gloves - another way of enhancing combat like never before... Only thing was that it felt broken from time to time. Reminds me of the Tony-mask from Hotline Miami. And without spoiling just what they are, the rest was just what I needed - a new outlook on old things! The voice actors were as good as usual per these series - My compliments at how great Troy Baker did as the Joker. Granted, Roger Craig Smith as Batman worked too, but it reminded me about Christian Bale, and while I dont have anything against him... Meh. It can be hard to be a younger Kevin Conroy, but growling doesnt do that. Troy Baker, though, did it great! He really was a younger Mark Hamill - a Joker at his prime - young, fun-loving, and completely destructive and insane! Another favorite was Martin Jarvis as Alfred, and his, in this game, strained and actually very touching relationship with Bruce. And Im a sucker for Peter MacNicol as the Jervis Tech / Mad Hatter. But Im a sucker for Peter MacNacol in general. I dont want to spoil the story too much, so Ill put it this way - Just because the title says Batman: Origins, does it mean its just about BATMANs origins. Nope! Theres quite a few more interesting ways the plot swings throughout the game, and though I loved it, I would love to see more of the story as it was... But towards the middle, the story shot up in speed and intensity, and the next few hours, plots were twisted and thoughts were rounded like nothing else. All in all, the story took around maybe ten to twelve hours to beat (and that with some sidequests done to rack up EXP). And even now, I have stuff left to do ingame, which leads me to... Batman: Arkham Origins is not a perfect game. Its worse both graphically and technically than the earlier games, the bosses werent as well-designed as the second game, and the city is a bit too unlively. But that doesnt stop the fact that its still oodles of fun to just glide around rooftops, spot two criminals with guns, disable ones gun, throw a remote controlled Batarang, guide it into the others face from behind, then when both of their attentions are directed elsewise, sneak up from behind, take down the guy with a working gun. First silently, then smash him. The other guy hears it, runs towards him, and as it dawns upon him that his gun is jammed, the Batman slowly walks towards him, then crashes his fist into the guys jaw. And with the added city, the Batcave, the crime scenes, and the random crimes that can happen, this game still reinforces one thing. Youre still the goddamn Batman.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:19:37 +0000

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