Be Calorie Conscious If youre not prepared to count calories - TopicsExpress


Be Calorie Conscious If youre not prepared to count calories and/or macros using apps like myfitnesspal, then do be calories conscious throughout the day. A little story which im sure the person mention wont mind be sharing at all. In a consultation this week with a new Personal Training client I was asked....... I have two or three cups of coffee a day is that really bad? Aslong as you are not relying on the coffee everyday to keep you awake then I dont see a massive need to worry too much - I did recommend cutting down slightly however! Few negatives to consuming too much coffee 1) Can effect your sleep patterns (avoid coffee 7/8 hours before bed) 2) It stains your teeth (no sparkly whites for you) Anyways..... this wasnt my main concerns when we dug a little deeper. It turned out the coffees were lattes from Starbucks!! AND LARGE! These come in at 148 calories per Latte. A massive 444 calories she wasnt counting at all per day! Black coffee has about 5-10 calories. 444 calories every day for a week is a whopping 3108. Summary - Track calories, even if its just for a few days to understand what your average calorie intake is and adjust according to you and your goals.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 18:10:00 +0000

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