Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: Glowing Scenes -CHAPTER - TopicsExpress


Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: Glowing Scenes -CHAPTER 11- “Do I look okay to you Ryan?’’ Ryan glanced her way with a crease on his forehead. ‘’why? have a fever again?’’ “ohh…so I look okay to you.’’ She replied ruefully and bit her lip. She couldn’t go on anymore. “please, stop the car…’’ “what?’’ “I said, stop the CAR Ryan!!’’ she yelled and the car came to a halt. Satisfied that they were not so far from school and no one was close byobserving what had just happened, she got down from the car and began walking towards school alone. “babe…c’mon!…what’s all the drama for?’’ “get lost Ryan!’’ she felt happy and proud that she could do that. Tell RyanRiverstone to get lost. Even in her wildest dreams had she NEVER imagined she would push Ryan away from her. She was going to be living as Rea, in Susan’s body..No more Sue in Susan’s body. She’d had enough He drove to her pace as her shoes clicked on the pavement. She wished they were sneakers. “susan, you’re going to make a scene and we’re going to be the new talk in town…is that what you want?!!…the school’s paparazzi is not going to get to the end of this!’’ She stopped to look at him. ‘’ohh, is that what this is all about Ryan…, school’s column, school’s paparazzi?..blah blah blah…well they can go to hell for all that I care. Get yourself another girlfriend who can play best actress, as for me, I’m way beyond audition.’’ ‘’Sue…’’ he had gotten down from the car now and was facing her. He looked so big and strong. Way too matured for his age and yet he behaved so immaturely. “what about your mum?…your Dad?’’ “what about them?’’ “you’re going to break your mum’s heart if she hears about our split.’’ “its about time.’’ she could tell he was taken aback by the sarcasm that dripped in her voice. ‘’this was never about me Sue, you know that. It has always been about you. Everything I did.’’ “then do this for me Ryan.., let me go..ummm’’ And then she stepped past him but that was before he pulled her close to him and kissed her. Rea lost all reasoning and with her eyes widened, she didn’t even know what was going on. And then she dissolved and melted into him He broke the kiss. ‘’will that convince you enough?’’ Rea lost her balance and looked into his eyes. Ryan’s eyes had become so deep blue all of a sudden and she sighed. “get in?’’ Reality struck and she raised her eyebrow. ‘’what?’’ He went and opened the car door for her. ‘’you don’t want your legs to give way, do you?’’ She frowned on remembering the reason for their whole fight and wanting to save the drama for some other day, she slowly slid into his car. ‘’we’re not finished.’’ She assured him, hoping her hot cheeks were only hot and not red revealing how vulnerable she was. Scarlett wasn’t the only guilty one this time. ‘’I know.’’ He replied calmly and drove them both to school. She knew she should feel happy and glad about it, but she just couldn’t bring herself to float because of Ryan’s kiss. He had kissed Susan, not her. But she had looked into his eyes then and felt exposed. Like He knew her deeper than the superficial Susan she was. Like the way she had thought he was looking at her the day before she changed and became who she was now. His eyes were curious, a little suspicious and light danced in his eyes but it was only a moment And then that moment was gone after the kiss Ryan wanted to escort her to class but she stopped midway and told him she wanted to handle something on her own. Surprised that she wanted to handle something without his intervention, he left her but that didn’t stop him from watching her. He was used to girls staring and greeting him as they headed for class but as polite as ever, he stood looking at his girlfriend as she headed over to a parking zone where his teammates and two girls stood. The girls looked outnumbered but Sue seemed to be stepping into the rescue. That was odd. She always minded her business and never interacted with those kinds of people. They were so out of her class Rea came closer and placed a hand on Charlie’s ride. “hello Charles.’’ She greeted briefly and allowed her gaze stroll his body. Ryan could do better than this idiot that stood harassing her friend and thinking he was every girl’s dream “Sue.’’ He almost lost his balance and confidence. “don’t sweat it tough guy, I think its high time you get a life and stop harassing my friend-friends here.’’ “its nothing really..’’ “just back off.’’ She warned her face becoming serious. “and stop acting like a total jerk. Go find your own size to pick up a fight with.’’ ‘’oooooooooooooo…’’ the boys mocked till Charles turned to give them the eye Susan chuckled and Rea turned to look at her. Scarlett bit her lip and couldn’t look directly at her. “they’re my friends and I think you should treat them as such.’’ She gave him ‘thumbs up’ and walked off to join Ryan who stood looking at her with an amused smile. ‘’wow!’’ he commented “what?’’ He had an amusing yet attractive smile on his face and Rea suddenly imagined him as a GQ model “I think I’m loving the new you Susan.’’ Andhe took her hand in his and walked off together ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “who the hell do you think you are?’’ Janice charged for Rea immediately they entered the toiletbut she simply ignored the fury on her friend’s face ‘’so you think you can talk to my boyfriend anyhow just because you’re what?!! Susan Brews!!’’ “Janice…’’ Sheila tried to calm her friend down but she couldn’t and wouldn’t. “stay the hell outta this Sheila!…its high time we face things squarely between us. Its high time Miss Prim and pretty stops acting like she’s the only one who exists in this school and face reality’’ ‘’oh really…why don’t you tell your stupid boyfriend to look for his own size and stop hitting on little girls.’’ Janice raised her hand against Rea but Sheila stopped her In time. “oh, you think you’ve got it all figured out huh?…you think I cant tell everyone about your hidden agenda and your gay boyfriend who everyone thinks is a superstar. At least my boyfriend hits on women.’’ Rea felt like she had been slapped in the face. “and who says?’’ “oh, you think I’ve forgotten how you always cry that.. ‘Ryan is not interested in me, Ryan hardly touches me…’’ “well, at least he can control himself..’’ “oh sure he does!…’’ she scoffed. ‘’even when I try making a move on him, he’s as hard as a rock’’ ‘’Janice that’s enough!’’ Sheila cried. ‘’so your Mr. Charlie isn’t even enough for you and my boyfriend is the next thing on the list?’’Rea felt disgusted. “slut’’ “tramp!’’ Rea forgot what body she was in and charged at her opponent with speed. Janice had let her guards down and so she fell to the floor and received most of the punches Rea rained on her. Due to the noise, students had already started trooping into the toilet and some had even started taking pictures and recording videos of the two girls who were engaged in a fight. YouTube was going to have a new update of Evergreen classiest girls in a fight soon Finally, someone came to separate them Spanish teacher Miss Andrews “Susan!!’’ she yelled mostly out of shock than anything else “and Miss Cornell…’’ she grabbed both by the arm and still in shock walked them over to the Principal’s office :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Susan blushed when Toby winked at her but recovered almost immediately and shifted her attention to the little pup he carried in his arms. The last time she had brought this home, her father had told her she couldn’t keep him. But now that Mr.Rivera was her father and with a sweet woman like Mrs Rivera, they couldn’t say no. and her twin sisters would be most delighted, most especially Mickey. She’d loved being here at the shelter ‘Save a life’ where those beautiful animals were kept but she wished she had a place big enough to accommodate them all knowing fully well she could only afford one at the moment due to her present status and she didn’t mind though. She loved this life with Toby, Scarlett and the boys, not excluding her father who wanted to give her all the time in the world and a different meal apart from oatmeal. She could munch away and get away with it. she didn’t care about her size anymore or about any media or the school’s column. No more ballet classes! She wanted to float and fly. Her wings were finally free. She was doing what she loved and not what someone dictated to her. And yet there was still so much more to learn. “she’s cute, isn’t she?’’ Toby handed the dog over to her and watched her excitement when she received the animal like it was one of the most wonderful things in the world. How come he had never known this kind of Andrea Rivera even after the years they’d been together. she always seemed excited whenever they were together and He loved her new look too. Her hair was no more straightened like the one he used to know. She had them in curls and they dangled all over her face freely making him want to pull them behind her ear just as she usually did. She wore leather jackets and skirt whenever they had dinner together and she glowed. her scrawny figure had vanished underneath a good looking skin and her smile was beautiful She had never smiled at him before. She kissed the little pup and He made the necessary payment. He turned to her and they strolled out together asking her what name she was going to give the animal. “Have any name in mind?’’ she looked up at him. He tried as much as possible to concentrate and reply her appropriately. ‘’ well…’’ he laughed nervously and shrugged. ‘’its your pup.’’ “its our pup.’’ She smiled at him and they walked away together with the animal in her hands. ‘’I think Nemowont be a bad idea.’’ “Nemo?…you mean like the cartoon finding Nemo?’’ “yeah…, don’t you like it?’’ He laughed. ‘’that is so un-like you Rea.’’ “really..’’ she wanted to know what the real Rea would have named the pup. “so what would your familiar Rea suggest?’’ Toby thought she was pissed and tried to apologize but she shrugged. ‘’nah, c’mon talk.’’ ‘’well…’’ he laughed again wondering if it was a good idea to continue down this lane with her. They had just started getting along and he didn’t want to ruin everything because he mentioned something lame. “something Japanese probably..from one of those our video games or manga we sketch, like yuriko or something like rugato. Something that’s so far away from a dog’s name. You loved doing that y’know. Tagging things with a name that looks weird to get some humor or rather to piss people off but I like you like that.’’ Susan frowned and then burst into laughter. Who in the world gave a pup a name like that? It was as if Toby read her mind. ‘’and you wouldn’t be buying a pup either.’’ “well…’’ “an Alsatian dog rather.’’ “how come you know this much about me and you argue that we never dated before?’’ Toby blushed and Sue couldn’t imagine a cuter version of him. his grey puppy eyes, his hair and his cheeks were just so beautiful. If guys could be called beautiful, then he was. She almost called him a pretty boy but thought against it and wondered.. Rea had all of this and still felt unwanted?…how could someone be so ungrateful? Trying to save him from his predicament, she suggested. ‘’mind coming home with me?..we could make something to eat and do homework together. Mickey and the twins will be back from school anyway so we won’t be alone.’’ He had his hands in his pockets. ‘’so you cook?’’ Sue winked at him. ‘’we’ll see about that.’’ -------------------------------------------------------- Keep Checking With Us For CHAPTER 12....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:05:22 +0000

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