Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: Glowing - TopicsExpress


Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: Glowing Scenes -CHAPTER 3- Science practical test was not due till ten minutes time and Rea began rounding up answering all her questions by going through them again. Glad for the help studying overnight had provided without coffee, she submitted her work and escaped through the hallway just to check on Scarlett who was still sitting in literature class concentrating on a shakespare book even after they the lecturer had left the class. “Thinking of reading Shakespeare in French?’’ she teased and came to settle opposite her friend Scarlett looked up with her glasses perched on her nose and Andrea noticed her friend’s emerald green eyes again before she adjusted her glasses. She smiled. �?’that wouldn’t be a bad idea y’know.’’ They sighed and Andrea allowed her gaze wander around the class. She raised her eyebrows when she saw Josh sitting three rows away from them also into one of their literature books and Andrea asked. �?’are you guys the only two having a test tomorrow?’’ Scarlett shook her head sadly and smiled a triumphant smile. “there’s been something I’ve been wanting to tell you.’’ “go on.’’ “I took your advice…, and I’m thinking of getting over this babysitting thing I’ve been doing for Mr and Mrs Riley. Next week’’ “you mean Josh’s parents?’’ She nodded.’’ I think it will be safe and healthy for me, y’know. Get over this stupid crush I have for him, babysit for some other family and get a life that excludes Josh in my daydreams’’ Just then a slim looking brunette swayed into the class, hair flowing behind her and books neatly stacked on her right arm as she moved towards her supposed to be prince. Josh looked up and smiled and that was before she bent to plant a kiss on his lips. Andrea recognized her as the girl josh had been talking to over lunch a week ago. Sheila Banks Andrea sighed and nodded. The saddest thing in life was to see someone you loved fall for someone else. “let’s get outta here.’’ She told Scar and helped her with her books while they walked out of the class. �?’I think we should indulge today. Just this once. We both deserve a bowl of ice-cream after taking our dieting exercise serious for this long.’’ Scarlett smiled. �?’you’re trying to make me fatter?’’ “just trying to make ourselves happy .’’ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “I should run a mile if we finish this.’’ Andrea said mouthful as they sat together on the bench row spooning ice-cream and at the same time watching the football team practice on the pitch “Make that two for me.’’ Scarlett licked the cream off her lips and dropped the spoon back into the bowl. “do you often wish you were someone else?’’ Scarlett shrugged. �?’well, sometimes.., I do. I know I say I love being myself and all that stuff we say to encourage ourselves and make us look confident but I do sometimes wish I was like this super-hot looking girl with looks that could kill, y’know…, make the boys turn their heads and not laugh at me.’’ Andrea turned to look at the field and her eyes had no difficulty scanning the pitch for her crush who stood distinctively in the midst of them all, tall with broad shoulders, darkish blond hair that looked tousled and his head dripping with sweat as he trained on the field with energy and vigor rippling through him whilst he threw the ball to his team mate Dave Richardson. He turned to look to his right where his girlfriend sat and she blew him a kiss. He winked at her and smiled that smile of satisfaction that looked attractive and breathtaking at the same time before turning his gaze back to his team mates. Andrea knew she’d had enough for the day before she turned miserable. She and her best friend were here drinking this ice-cream because of people like him and not so they could daydream again. “I think it’s time we leave.’’ She stood up and looked down at her friend who didn’t bother arguing with her since she understood her friend’s plight. And with the way things were going anyway, she didn’t want to see Josh either. They were going home. “I’m sleeping over at your place.’’ Rea said casually. I’ll call my mum that I’ve got homework.’’ �?’anything you say boss.’’ Rea glanced back at the pitch one more time and it was at that moment she looked up and saw Ryan looking towards their direction. She blinked, thinking it was her imagination and looked again. This time, he was looking at her.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:43:37 +0000

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