Be Encouraged - Stories of the Supernatural - Story 7 - Heal Her - TopicsExpress


Be Encouraged - Stories of the Supernatural - Story 7 - Heal Her Bladder Infection I happened to be standing outside our house in Lansing and my friends Stan and Denise pulled up. I wasnt expecting a visit, but here they were. I had just been at the bank and had withdrawn some cash and was in the driveway when I saw them pull up. Denises mom lived in the neighborhood and they were on their way to see her but wanted to stop to ask a request. Stan and I had been talking about the issue of healing as an appropriated gift and Gods activity and desire to heal in our lives. Additionally, we had together prayed for other peoples healing and we both were in the early discovery of this wonderful gift from Papa. We were like babies playing in the playpen of healing - very limited understanding, but chewing on the healing blocks and quite happy and content to have them at our playtime disposal. At this point, we had seen supernatural healings (Refer to Janices brain tumor disappearing, and other healings.) We had also seen times where our children remained sick and throwing up in spite of our best prayers, and fasting. We didnt understand much, but we were discovering that God did want to heal if we asked. As simple as this statement is, it is still profound and still challenging to lay hands on someone and ask in faith for their healing. Yet, in his grace, Papa wanted to throw a brand new block into the healing playpen for me to chew on and play with. This was a new block which still confounds me to this day. It remains unexplainable except for grace and sovereignty. But it remains just the same. After they pulled up and said hello, Stan described that Denise was experiencing a very bad bladder infection and stopped over to ask me to pray for her. Being dressed in my finest religious garb - shorts and a tee shirt, I decided to do what they asked. I asked for her to let me hold her hand. My thought was that it would be very inappropriate to put my hands on her lower abdomen - (ya think?) so I just asked to hold her hand and began to pray. There is some immediate context which plays into this story. Stan and Denise did not know any of this until I sent them this story asking permission to use their names. Like I said, I had just been to the bank and withdrew a $50.00 bill. That was about all the cash we had and we were going to be going to the grocery store to buy food for the family. At this point the family now included my 4 young daughters, the youngest being brand new. As soon as they pulled up I immediately understood that I was going to be giving them my $50.00 bill (all I had) and was not very happy about this sudden revelation from Papa. The entire time as Stan was explaining the problem and their request, I had pasted an understanding smile on my face. (At least that is how I hoped I looked on the outside.) On the inside, I was complaining greatly to God about giving up our only cash. On the outside, I shook my head in understanding and said, Of course, I would like to pray for Denise. On the inside, I was complaining about the $50.00 bill I felt would be leaving my hands. So, in my best pastoral acting, while struggling in my spirit, I held Denises hand and offered a simple prayer; something simple like: Father, thank you so much for Denise. She hurts and I ask you to heal her in the Name of Jesus. So, bladder infection, go in the Name of Jesus. Thanks, Father. The prayer was offered with little faith, and a hugh inward struggle, while almost rote words rolled of my lips at the request of friends I loved. There was no immediate reaction - no electricity, no power or warm feeling, or response from Denise. Their only reaction was gratitude. I didnt follow up with any questions and they said thank you, but they needed to get to her moms and were running late. They were grateful for me praying with them (as simple as it was). Stan put the car into drive and I told them to hold on for a second. I pulled out my wallet and said that God had said they needed this. I placed the $50.00 bill in Denises hand and then Stan looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes that were beginning to become moist and said: Thank you, we really need that. They drove away. It was just a moment in time. An event. Obedience, faith and struggle. Faith and obedience in one issue, and little faith and joy for another. About a half hour later, I was sitting in the little office in our home and the phone rings, its Stan. He immediately told me that Denise was healed by the time they reached her Moms and felt times better! He was so grateful to God and thanked me for praying for them. He also thanked me for the gift. All I could do was cry and repent. God was so kind. There was little faith in me to pray for Denise. It was pure, unemotional, obedience to a belief that God heals, and wants to heal when we just humbly ask. No build up of emotion, no fancy words, yet here was God’s activity: Denise got healed. I was totally unsure of what to do except to repent for my lack of faith about the $50.00 thingy. Of course he would provide for my family (and he did - we did not go hungry,) he always has. But greater than that was his kindness to Denise in spite of my self-focus and struggle for provisional faith. I still question why he heals sometimes, and at other times, He does not. I wonder why he heals when no faith if felt, and at other times no healing takes place when fervent faith is felt while praying for healing. I do know this: Papa is kind, the kindest person I have ever met. He is absolutely gracious and does desire to heal. He is more than worthy of our trust when he moves on our behalf and when he does not. He wants to heal & He is good, so dont be discouraged. He is good - Always. Mostly, he is with us, at all times, chasing us down with goodness and mercy. So why did I share this story? I guess to encourage you as it still inspires me to this day. So whether you are the greatest or the least; whether you walk is strong, glowing faith, or, you struggle greatly in faith; whether you are tight with Papa and walking on water, or just barely making ends meet in your faith - to Pray! Dont not pray because you feel unworthy or condemned by the enemy. Pray anyway! It is not our supernatural power that heals, it is his! Its not us, its him! He loves for us to involve him, to invite him into the situation. Pray. Ask, knock and seek! Whether strong or weak, pray anyway! This is not a pray anyway because who knows, you might be healed, it is a pray anyway because Papa wants to be involved! He wants to be intimately involved! This is his heart and I encourage you to enter in to this type of relationship with him. Be encouraged, He Heals! What are some ideas and thoughts you had while reading:
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:57:43 +0000

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