Be Encouraged - Stories of the Supernatural, Story 25 is - TopicsExpress


Be Encouraged - Stories of the Supernatural, Story 25 is out! Story 25. Ten Years in the Making We had been sent to State College from Lansing by Papa. We had also been sent to a specific church. I knew that we would not be leaving this church except by the same way we came - with a sign and a wonder. I have shared some of those stories earlier of how Papa sent us to State College. Several years into ministering and serving this body as a lay-leader, there became problems. And while the problems were repaired on the surface, they were not truly repaired. The problems pointed to deep systemic issues. It was at this point, that unless God himself stepped in to remedy the problems, I knew we were on our way out, that we would be leaving this body. I also knew that I would not be leaving except by a sign and a wonder. But Papa had not said to go and there was no indication by signs and wonders that we were to go. Papa had not released us at this time. I did the only thing I knew to do at that time - be a good follower of leadership and to do the things I was asked to do. Though inside, I greatly disagreed with many of the things that were happening, no one would know this by my serving, by my actions and by my speech. Even though in major disagreement, we served our hearts and lives out. For ten years this was our life. God had not said to go, and we stayed, loved and served. Barb on the other hand was not ready to leave in any way. There were other issues she was dealing with, but she did not share the same strong sense of leaving that I did. Barb was very content to stay and serve amongst this body. I had the peace that Papa in his time would bring us both to leave, at the appointed time, again thru a sign and a wonder. Finally, 10 years later, the time came where the issues became too great for both of us and Papa began to speak into our hearts that we needed to leave. But there was still no clear sign as to timing. So we did all the right things: prayed, fasted, sought council of those outside the body who were intimately familiar with the situation amongst other things. We knew it was time to go, but the when was still not established. Throughout this entire process, I never said to Barb that I was, or we were leaving. I was anxious for Papas timing her heart and patiently waited. I wanted to leave as unto the Lord. I wanted to do it right, and I wanted to honor Papa in it and not to satisfy my flesh in any way. I wanted his timing and for him to fulfill what he had put in my spirit as to what would accompany our leaving. We had already agreed to meet with an overseer of the church we were involved in. He was not a part of the body, but lived overseas and spoke into the church body where needed. He was already very familiar with our situation as we had been communicating via email. He had a 15-year relationship with both us and the local body. He would be in the US so we scheduled a meeting with him in two weeks, in a city about 8 hours away. On the Sunday morning, two weeks before our scheduled meeting, we were in corporate worship doing our normal thing. I was standing with my arms raised in worship, focused on Papa. The music in the service is usually quite loud. Out of the clear blue, I heard above the music, as clear and as distinct as I have ever heard anything Papa has said to me: It is time to leave. Pick up your stuff and go. It was such a loud and clear word that I actually lowered my hands, turned to pick up my stuff and with full intention, I was going to walk out the door and never come back. When I bent over to gather my bible and notebook, Barb caught my eye. She said the following: It is time for us to leave. There are events in ones life that to others do not seem important at all. They are earthquake moments caught only by the hearer. All others neither comprehend the significance or supernatural of the moment. Papa loves to work like that. He often hides his supernatural wonders in plain sight, right in front of everyone who do not see it. His intention is to only let one or two see his wonder. It is part of his great heart of grace. It is part of his special relationship with each of us. He has hidden gems of brilliance in common life and in the scriptures to give us hints and glimpses. One example in the scriptures is where he lets us know that he is going to give us a very special name, known only to us individually and to him! This was one such occasion. To the casual observer, this was nothing special, but to me, it totally blew my spiritual doors off! I had waited 10 years for Papa to speak, and also to graciously bring Barb along on her journey in leaving the local church body. Ten years. And at the very moment that he speaks clearly to me, I look at my wife and she willingly, leadingly says the same thing at the same exact moment. This may not seem to be a big deal, but at that moment, the moment after Barb said that it was time to leave, Papa again spoke into my spirit: This is your sign and wonder! It is time. My spirit settled in the supernatural grace extended at that moment, and I sat down to contemplate what had just taken place. During this resting phase, Barb said that she thought it would be best if we waited to leave until after the service and until after we had had our scheduled, upcoming meeting. This hit my spirit as being true and I felt the Holy Spirit say the same. For the sake of the sheep, it would be best not just to walk out at that moment. Of course we met with this dear brother who was quite shocked at some of the things that had taken place in the church and some of the things that had been said from the pulpit concerning him even. Of course he said that we should leave and counseled us to do so. Of course he also was brokenhearted. And of course, our plan of how we were going to leave was completely changed and pulled out from under us. We had planned on meeting with the pastor and his wife, letting him know we were leaving, and together, trying to determine how we could best accomplish this while loving the sheep. That all changed by a sudden, unexpected phone call. In our eyes, what actually transpired was robbery by the enemy, but then it could also have been Fathers grace to us. Time will tell on that story, and we leave room for either possibility. The proverbs say that we can make our plans, but it is God who determines our steps. This has been true throughout our lives and it was true here also. It was the kindness of Papa who girded us under with a supernatural word, at a pinnacle moment, 10 years in the making. He is like that to us, and he is like this to you also! He will move heaven and earth on your behalf as part of his plan for you. Dont run ahead, wait and Be encouraged! What are some ideas and thought you had while reading?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:18:52 +0000

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