Be Mechanical, Not Mystical Helplessness and blamelessness - TopicsExpress


Be Mechanical, Not Mystical Helplessness and blamelessness will help us to deal with students who will never get it, the ones who think theyve got it, and the ones who dont care. There is a grace available to all of us in this knowledge to accept beings as they are. We cannot change the world and we are not here to save it, because, frankly, we cant. We can only change one being at a time. However, there is a huge potential in numbers of people who are actually ready for this and it is just a matter of the right fractal line reaching them. Therefore, we must put our words in the correct contexts. We are not missionaries or messiahs. We are mechanics. In terms of your work as a teacher, demystify yourself. You will get a lot of projection placed on you; a certain look that comes your way when you change the way a student sees. That look corrupts some people and they end up wanting only that. We have to see what our job is and keep it in context. I want students to feel they are being given a technical skill, not a mystical path. This approach will help us establish a proper foundation for this knowledge. I dont care if you are mystical in your own life. Just please dont bring your beliefs into the classroom. -Ra Uru Hu
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:54:16 +0000

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