Be Specific in our prayers if you want to move mountains! Please - TopicsExpress


Be Specific in our prayers if you want to move mountains! Please Read all of this! Matt. 6:9 - After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Prayer is a powerful tool, when used correctly. The problem is that most of the time, we dont pray the right prayers. We must learn to pray specifically and not generally. We must learn to pray as Jesus did in his prayers. Jesus did not pray vaguely, but he would even sound, to some redundant, to add specifics to his prayers. He wanted us to learn this so we wont be general when talking to the Father. Dont you hate when your children or friends talk to you vaguely and do not give specifics? Thats so impersonal and it really makes you feel that you are not close to them. Well, God wants us to be specific and pray for the right stuff. There are keys to prayer that can unlock doors for you and get results in a hurry! Jesus could have just said, Our Father, but, after that he said which art in heaven! He didnt want any other father to answer this prayer, only Father God in heaven. Thy Kingdom come is the will of God for the earth and heaven, so many feel he didnt have to say Thy will be done, but Jesus was specific, even when it was obvious what he was saying. Then he said, Give us this day, our daily bread because he only wanted what was meant for that specific day! He could have said Give us this day our bread but because he was specific, he got what was meant for that day. He didnt just say, Forgive me for my sins but he stated that he would forgive others. This is a powerful key because the Word tells us that we must forgive others to be forgiven. Jesus did not want us to waste Gods time by praying to be forgiven without first forgiving others. And if God leads us out of temptation, then it would seem we will automatically be delivered from evil, right? NO. Jesus was specific and asked for correct leading and then deliverance for when we dont follow his leading. I know many of you are saying, is all this really that important? But I want to let you know that what you want from God can be unlocked by these keys to prayer. If you pray for specifics that agree with his will, God will act on your words. Stop praying the same old prayers, vague and general babbling, and start talking to God like you know what you are talking about. You know what you want and he knows what you need, so if you can agree with him, then you can get your prayers answered. God has all that you desire and when you learn how to ask, you will receive it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:52:33 +0000

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