Be conscious of the energy you let out in the - TopicsExpress


Be conscious of the energy you let out in the world....because what goes out comes a its best if u keep it positive... Always keep dreaming...dreaming again and again more and more in detail every time....till one day its reality. In the last two years , one dream that has constantly haunted me is to pursue Psychology....Anyone who knows me, even a little, surely is aware of it, because I have talked of it endlessly, for hours to the extent of boring many of you...I have read so many hours....heard so many audiobooks....that I have lost track of time... But sometimes it takes much more longer to take the first step than u could ever imagine in the right sense of ur mind..the inertia to begin, the self doubting, the self sabotaging and all its friends....prevent us from taking the ONE crucial step...TO BEGIN... I hopelessly procrastinated..., but one day after reading a post on facebook, in ‘all about Psychology’...I had the idea to begin my course online...because my biggest dilemma was the fact that i could not uproot the kids...disrupt their routine... So there I was............. filled in an online form in my field of interest...and boom came the phone calls from tens of universities for trying to make it happen.....but I was not I never picked up their phones... Months passed and one morning this August...I received a phone call that rocked my knees felt weak....i felt sick to my stomach...I had to make a decision....either I do something about it...or I perish....and I spent the next two days....sleepless, could not eat....worried endlessly....all this and more...And just asked for one thing...”Lord ,show me the direction...enlighten my path....” Two days later...I got a phone call from an unknown number...usually I don’t pick up those calls...but I did this one....It was a University Counsellor, wanting to talk to me about my interest in Masters in Psychology...I wanted to hang up...but just minutes ago had heard Robin Sharma speaking about why most people don’t reach their best in life....And he called it computer screen was saying BE FEARLESS....I was on the phone with the the counsellor, and here i was....took a deep breathe and started talking to her, had not interviewed in 3 years...but I got into the flow pretty fast. 2 hrs later....I felt confident...and she suggested me a few links to explore and one thing lead to few days I researched the options...talked to Nevada state board of professional licensure...and interviewed with 3 universities....U never know, God sends whom as an angel to help you...the first counsellor I talked to ,gave me the confidence I needed to go through all this.....and the links just formed...connections were made spontaneously.... One month and a week later...all the paper work was straightened....and I got accepted into the Masters Program I was most interested in.....Can only say one thing now....its a journey...and not a very short one....will need the blessings of one and all, help from my friends, encouragement and pep talk at times....but I am ready to take the leap of faith now.... U never know how stress can be your friend....As i had heard the social psychologist Kelly McGonigal say...stress can be your friend if you perceive it to be so.....that August morning when I was cornered by life....when i had no options left...I started exploring life’s options....and a month later....I have one that works for me.... The smiles on Shivi’s face, the way she said “I’m so proud of u mumma!!!” touched me ....Adi hugged me, made me a Congratulations card, the doggies pitched in...wagging their tails with their bright shiny eyes, they jumped over me, covering me with puppy love....I feel empowered......My family is my biggest strength.... “A thousand mile journey begins with One Step,”...Tao says. I say ” I have taken that step..”....Ready to begin the next phase of my life.....ready to explore life it unveils itself.... Thank U Lord....and thank U to all my friends and family....who made this possible.....
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:03:36 +0000

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