Be careful of excess spending this month yall. Theres a bit here - TopicsExpress


Be careful of excess spending this month yall. Theres a bit here and there on frivolities for yourself and others thats fine, even healthy. But revel in abundance of funds isnt recommended as risks incurring extra expense that far exceeds the entirety of the excess. Id recommend may at the earliest actually, then back to w/e. Or bare minimum no heavy duty dining room remodelling this month cuz something will break and itll suck. Of course, might be unrelated to literal money. And something about be careful that youth be allowed its time. Or the frog life cycle is evolving so they spend less time as tadpoles? Not sure... But either way youth is threatened with unnecessary brevity and its up to each individual to cherish and encourage so the full length is allowed...... One more note, and I think I know who this one applies to but just in case a general note to all. Take care of your legs, you wont notice the initial pain warning til it really hurts if you dont. Again strong feeling that applies to one person but never know.... Hell if I ever know the exact symbolism and metaphor of my dreams, or even how literal they might be, but when I can hear every song as it plays in the background of my room as I dream, as well as being fully aware of my physical body as I sleep, then when Ive seen the whatever it was I saw and Im already reaching to tell someone or make a fb post as it were (which is a very odd gut reaction to a weird dream for me so definitely not gonna ignore it) before Im actually awake and thus even as Im still dreaming (fairly sure awake now fyi) then Im gonna roll with it and go with my gut interpretation of how to phrase the relay of information. One last thing, and this could well be a warning for me alone but I somehow feel its more in general - the ocean is acting funny this year. Take care, goodnight, itd be cool to actually sleep cuz theres waking dreams and theres Waking Dreams and that was by far the less dramatic of the two but still not restful at all and yeah
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:19:10 +0000

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