Be careful this morning folks. Usually if I hear myself say - TopicsExpress


Be careful this morning folks. Usually if I hear myself say everyone is being this way or that way its time for me to look in the mirror. This morning in the space of 10 minutes I was screamed at by two unrelated people, complete strangers, both of them driving the wrong way down a one-way street on the side of my building. when I saw the first guy driving down the street the wrong way, I thought maybe he just didnt know it was a one-way so I said (and not in an angry tone, or so I thought) hey this is a one-way street. He responded by stopping his car, rolling down his window and screaming, Are you the traffic police? I do this every f-ing day. Mind your own g. d. business. Just worry about yourself. To which I replied, I =am= worried about myself because I almost got hit yesterday when someone came racing around the corner going the wrong way. He then basically recapped what he had said previously and I said okay, peace. I took my stuff out of my brothers car into my building, came back out to get another load of things, and a car pulled up behind me very close and I was going to ask him if he wouldnt mind backing up a foot so I could put my bike in the back of the Golf- a challenge under any circumstance. He got out of his car and again with the screaming said, I work with city parking so Im sure youre not gonna give me shit about that. I said whats the problem? And he said, or rather screamed, Im with city parking so I know youre not going to give me shit about my parking job. I said sorry, what did I do? He replied you were looking at me like you knew me and I dont know who the F you are. I am going to work now. Then he stormed off. I just stood there, baffled for a while before I could shake it off. Driving to my brothers house, people were equally angry and aggressive in traffic. So, I guess what Im saying is tread lightly today, in case this anger Im encountering is not due to something inside of me and is some weird planetary misalignment. Or maybe the planet Mercury exploded overnight. Im just saying.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:30:36 +0000

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