Be careful watching this, do not view if children can see. It - TopicsExpress


Be careful watching this, do not view if children can see. It would be best if these people from ISIS do not try to suggest that GOD or Allah is responsible for their murderous savagery, lack of compassion and ruthless, murderous mindset. No scripture, no set of rules for bringing tribes into close living in a civilised society has asked for this, no religion is guilty but there are Saudi publishers who have altered the format of the mass printed and distributed Quran and have jihadist text in the margins...but USA and UK sell arms to Saudi Arabia. Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian whether Anglican, Catholic, Jehovahs Witness, Mormon, Baptist, Quaker etc, Jewish or Moslem, Quantum Scientist looking at a single creator behind an electro magnetic wave of light, Pagan or Druid, this is not what groups who come together for spiritual nourishment believe or promote. ...and I do believe the term evil fits and describes the acts of these despicable people whether they call themselves ISIS or IS, Boko Haram, Al Nusrah, Al Shabab or any other juhadi politics needs to stop aiming at individual conflicts and tackle Islamists across the globe, they all join together, then afterwards fall out and resume fighting each other.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:05:45 +0000

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