Be carefull from Nubia Machiavellian Colonial Empire++++ . 13. - TopicsExpress


Be carefull from Nubia Machiavellian Colonial Empire++++ . 13. January. 2015. Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar signing. Friend of Scholars Bob and Sheila, California, United States of America. House of Times and House of Wisdoms. Phoenix City. Belgium. Hadarat Majd Federal Capital City. Andulucia Federal Republic. Phoenix. Dear Phoenix Allies, namely, 1) USIFR, Union of Sovereign Independent Free Republics, members, Albania, Andalucia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus / White Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Palestine, Serbia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, 2) Phoenix Organization former Warsaw Treaty, 3) India, 4) Empire of Japan, 5) Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 6) Universe Civilisations, 7) Belgium, 8) Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar, I beg you all to accept my eternal timeless highests considerations and draw you farsighted urgent preventive diligent care to the facts that, from 1975 to 1994, the World was driven, into considering the Warsaw Treaty and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, C.C.C.P. and the Socialist Community led by the Communist and Labour parties as the most dangerous threat to the Free World and to democracy and to Humanity. I your humble servant was first presented as a friend and a dangerous rebel agent of Late Mao Tse Tung and of the Communist Party of the Peoples Republic of China and of Late Enver Hoxha Leader of the Labour Party of Socialist Albania, that is from 1975 to 1977, in France, from 1975 to 1976, and in Belgium where, I lived in a tiny flat with Mohammed Salem Paquito from Western Sahara, in Rue des Commerçants, Brussels, guest of a friend of mine from Rif, from the Moroccan leftist movement Ettajamouaa Addimokrati, called Abdi, I learned some diplomacy in Belgium, and to meet with all political parties, conservatives, labour and communists, Trade Unions Movements and to visit my dear friend Pierre Galland who was then President of Oxfam, Belgium, requesting help for the Refugees from Western Sahara in Tindoof, Algeria, then suffering very much. I also met in Belgium with my dear friend Lady Paulette Pierson Mathy one of the great scholars of Belgium and of the World, who helped me greatly. When I came to London, United Kingdom, in 1977, I learned to become a gentleman and to be more diplomatic, more moderate, so as to win hearts and minds, and made so many British friends from the Conservative Party, from the Labour party and from the liberal party now the liberal democrats and independent ones not affiliated to any party, from the Trade Union Congress (T.U.C) and then I was sent to West Africa, from 1982 to 1988 and I was made to like the Free World so much and to consider it the only chance possible for us in the East, friends and allies of the Warsaw Treaty and of the USSR (C.C.C.P.), and to consider that the East is led by dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, and that our salvation will come from the West, and in 1989, I looked for refuge in the Mauritanian Embassy, in Algiers and to go away from this local issue, I felt danger around me in Algeria. After three years of torture so harsh that I could not sleep at all, the torture of the grave, Algeria gave me only one chance, that is to go to the Polisario Front, and after that to Mauritania, and after that I was handed to Morocco. Since I came to Morocco, in 1994, it is the West, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N.A.T.O.) and the United States of America (U.S.A.), which are now presented as the most dangerous threat to Humanity, and the West is presented as Nazi, and that it is the most dangerous enemy of Humanity. From 1994 to 2015, it is these ideas who are cooked in House 71, Cité Essaada, Aviation, Rabat, Morocco, Africa (Under command mainly of Nubia Civilisation whose spearhead are the Dogon Tribes of Mali). Here, as I have stressed so many times, the main authority, and most influent party is the Black Guards of the Kingdom of Morocco, which themselves are posterity of the Songhay Empire of Mali, one of the main pillars of the Nubia extraordinary Machiavellian intelligences colonialist Civilisation. Whenever I am in House 71, my researches and studies target only the West, NATO and USA, and, I am driven to register to, Humanity, only their mistakes not their positive good endeavours and the facts that they are driving Humanity forward and that they create hundreds of millions of jobs in high technologies, in particular in aviation industries, in computers and in spaceships industries and have driven us, like C.C.C.P. and Warsaw Treaty, to discover, in modern times, the Moon, planet Mars ad other cities of outer space. I allways hear, here in Rabat, in my soul, the words, Songhay Empire, Nubia Civilisation, Mali, even Mensa Mousa, one of Mali Kings, T cetera, T cetera…. After repeating my researches so many times, in various places, in various times, I confirm once again to my Phoenix Allies, that THE WORLD RESTAURANT MENU IS AS FOLLOWS. BREAKFAST: CIVILISATION AD JEIH AL MOKHTAAR + MIDDLE EAST + RHODESIA + APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA. LUNCH: SOUTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (SATO)+ YUGOSLAVIA + UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (C.C.C.P.) + WARSAW TREATY. DINNER: NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZTION (N.A.TO.) + UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (U.S.A.). GUESTS: MAINLY NUBIA CIVILISATION COLONIAL POWER AFRICA + SWITZERLAND + AUSTRIA AND TO CERTAIN EXTENT OTHER GUESTS LIKE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND SOUTH AMERICA. While I reviewed my researches so many times, I found out that those who are targets of enemy, are those who have sophisticated aviation industries, sophisticated computer makers, spaceships makers, with proper spacedroms, satellite industries, spaceships missile launch facilities and have sent spaceships to the Moon and planet Mars and beyond to other cities of space and are considered to be a potential threat and danger by planet X or planet Y. When I was in Algeria, it was the East that it was cooked, and in Morocco it is the West that is cooked. Oh Allmighty God Indra what it is there to be left for poor planet Earth Civilisation. The East are Totalitarian and Communists and not Good and the West are Conservatives and Nazis and not Good. We better all have played savages and primitives, then enemy would have considered us all to be angels. Dear Phoenix Allies, namely, 1) USIFR, 2) Phoenix Organization former Warsaw Treaty, 3) India, 4) Empire of Japan, 5) Estados Unidos Mexcanos, 6) Universe Civilisations, 7) Belgium, 8) Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar signing, friend of my dear Scholars Bob and Sheila, California, United states of America, it is my honour to draw you extreme care to the following conclusions reached, in my humble researches and studies, which confirms the current World Restaurant Menu. Two thousands years before Christ, Nubia Civilisation Colonial Power, has built in Southern Siberia, so-called Africa a shining civilisation whose ruins are still standing witness, today, in Sudan. Since birth of Christ, Ad, untill Late in the Twentieth Century, DURING TWO THOUSAND YEARS NUBIA COLONIAL POWER HAS NOT DONE ANY URBANIZATION, HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING USEFULL FOR PLANET EARTH, HAS NOT CREATED JOBS ANYWHERE. NUBIA COLONIAL POWER HAS CONCENTRATED ITS UNDERTAKINGS ON POLIGAMY, NUMBERS OF CHILDREN, DEMOGRAPHIC EXCESSIVE INCREASE IN THIS TNY PLANET, TO TRANSFORM ITSELF FROM A TINY MINORITY, INTO AN ARTIFICIAL MAJORITY, EVERYWHERE, AND HAVE EXPANDED ITSELF TO ALL CONTINENTS, ALL MOUNTAINS, ALL PLAINS, ALL COUNTRIES, ALL CITIES, ALL VILLAGES, ALL NOMADIC CAMPS, ALL HOUSES, ALL TENTS, USING SOME MILITARY VICTORIES ((ISINDILWANA BY ZULU IN SOUTH AFRICA AGAINST THE BRITISH EMPIRE)) SOMETIMES DEFEATS (( TO LOOSE OR TOULOUSE CITY OF FRANCE)) AS A WEAPON TO COVER UP SLAVERY EXTRAORDINARY SPYING MACHIAVELLIAN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND VICIOUS WEAPON AGAINST HUMANITY, POVERTY, POLITICAL ASYLUM SEEKNG PERSONS, CAR DRIVERS JOBS, COOKERS, HOUSE BOYS, BEGGARS, SHOEMAKERS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SELLERS, BUILDING WORKERS, MIGRANT WORKERS, PLUMBERS, HUMBLE SERVANTS, HOLY SINGERS, SPORTSMAN, SPORTSWOMAN, CHAMPION LOVERS, NOT-INVOLVED-IN POLITICS-GUYS-AND-LADIES, IN A WORD ANGELS AND ONLY ANGELS, T CETERA, T CETERA, AS PEACEFULL ENTRIES TO COLONIZE THE WORLD. During my life, I met with representatives of most of the civilisations, residents, in planet Earth, I hereby testify for Humanity, that the most clever, extremely farsighted, daring, patient, cool and in total control of its tempers, ingenious, highly skilled, sophisticated, pious, saint, is NUBIA COLONIAL EMPIRE AND CIVILISATION. ALL CIVILISATIONS RESIDENT IN PLANET EARTH, HAVE WORKED HARD DURING THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS AND DRIVEN PLANET EARTH FORWARD EXCEPT NUBIA. WHY? I HERBY TESTIFY FOR HUMANITY AND FOR UNIVERSE CIVILISATIONS, THAT HIGHLY INTELLIGENT NUBIA GLOBAL COLONIAL EMPIRE, HAS FOR THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS REFUSED TO USE HIS EXTRAORDINARY SKILLS IN SERVICE OF PLANET EARTH CIVILISATION, AND IF THOSE OTHER CIVILISATIONS HAVE BEIN WORKING HARD, DURING THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS, AND ARE EVEN DRIVING US TO THE CITIES OF THE MOON, OF PLANET MARS AND FOR OTHER CITIES OF SPACE, NUBIA COLONIAL EMPIRE IS DRIVING US TO POLIGAMY, EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF CHILDREN, ARTIFICIAL MAJORITIES, AIDS, VENERIAL DISEASE, MALARIA FEVER, IBOLA, POVERTY, IGNORANCE, JOB LOSSES, ILLEGAL MIGRATIONS, RACISMS, EARTHQUAKES, GLOBAL WARMINGS, MAKING GREENLANDS BECOME DESERTS BY EXCESSIVE PRAYERS, TSUNAMIS, FLOODINGS, NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS (TCHERNOBYL, UKRAINE) , SPACESHIPS ACCIDENTS, TERRORISMS, ATOMIC CLASHES OF CIVILISATIONS, HOLOCAUST AGAINST THE JEWISH NATION AND NOW HOLOCAUST AGAINST THE ISLAMIC NATION, T CETERA T CETERA…. NUBIA COLONIAL POWER PLAYING TO BE COMPLETELY SAVAGE AND PRIMITIVE DURING THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS. ONLY AN ENEMY WOUD DO THAT. HENCE I HEREBY TESTIFY, THAT PLANET EARTH DURING THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS HAS ONLY ONE ENEMY: MACHIAVELLIAN NUBIA COLONIAL EMPIRE AND CIVILISATION. I ALSO TESTIFY THAT DURING THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS, THE WORLD RESTAURANT HAD ONLY ONE PERMANENT GUEST, NAMELY , WICKED AND MACHIAVELLIAN COLONIAL EMPIRE NUBIA, STARRING AND ACTING AS BEING SAVAGE AND PRIMITIVE. AND ALL OTHER CIVILISTIONS, NO ONE EXCEPTED, WERE PUT, ONE AFTER THE OTHER, ON THE GLOBAL MENU TO BE CONSUMED BY WICKED AND MACHIAVELLIAN NUBIA COLONIAL EMPIRE. Dear Phoenix Allies, namely, 1) USIFR, 2) Phoenix Organization former Warsaw Treaty, 3) India, 4) Empire of Japan, 5) Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 6) Universe Civilisations, 7) Belgium, 8) Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar, I am friend of all civilisations, friend of all ideologies, of all schools of thoughts, of all religions. I am now serving the Federal Republic of Andalucia. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Andalucia is exactly the text of the federal constitution of Switzerland of 18 April 1999. The word CANTON is replaced by JUSTICE INDEPENDENT STATE. Andalucia Federal Republic has five official languages by alphabetic order: 1) Amazigh, 2) Arabic, 3) English, 4) Hebrew, 5) Spanish. Andalucia Federal Republic, has chosen that its first embassy be resident in Jerusalem, for State of Israel, for State of Palestine, for India, for Middle East, and for all countries of the World. Andalucia Federal Republic has decided to open, a consulate in Rabat, Morocco, a consulate in Bir Lahlu, Western Sahara, a consulate in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, and a consulate in Pretoria, South Africa. It is also my honour to inform you that due to the Spanish Colonization, Andalucia Federal Republic, was not in a position to hold free and fair elections. It supports the current Spanish vassal government Junta de Andalucia, in its bid for jobs and managements of day to day business to feed the nation of Andalucia, if possible to win more jobs for all Iberia and if possible, even, to win more jobs for all Europe, for all Asia and to try and make all possible endeavours to win full employments for all residents in planet Earth.. Andalucia Federal Republic, as long as it do not have properly trained its own Andalucia Federal Armed Forces, welcomes, the Spanish Royal Armed Forces, in defence of its legitimate borders from 24.86 km North of Anranjuez City to Gibraltar City in the South in cooperation with friendly United Kingdom, France, the Russian Federation, United States of America, Peoples Republic of China, India, Empire of Japan, Estados Unidos Mexicanos and Middle East. It is also my honour to inform you that Andalucia Federal Republic has held secret free elections, on ground of a genuine sample of Andalucia voters. The results are as follows, the winner is: Andalucia Communist Party with 51 %, Italian Communist Party ideology, second is: Andalucia Conservative Party with 39 % and Shadow Cabinet, United Kingdom Conservative Party ideology, third is: Andalucia Green Environment Party with 8 %, German Federal Republic Green Party ideology, and Fourth, Andalucia Hadart Majd Party, His Majesty King Al Mootameed Ibn Abbad Party Poem ideology on feast celebration hardships in detention in Aghmat and Andalucia Nationalist and Ultra Conservative Party(Far Right) with 2 %. Dear Phoenix Allies, namely, 1) USIFR, 2) Phoenix Organization, 3) India, 4) Empire of Japan, 5) Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 6) Universe Civilisations, 7) Belgium, 8) Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar, I beg you all to accept my timeless greetings. Truly yours. Your humble servant. Laghdaf Abadila. Civil Servant. Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar. House of Times and House of Wisdoms. Phoenix City. Belgium. Hadarat Majd Federal Capital City. Andalucia Federal Republic. Phoenix.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:29:52 +0000

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