Be encouraged, God loves you! Happy Friday!!! Gods Wisdom for - TopicsExpress


Be encouraged, God loves you! Happy Friday!!! Gods Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture Proverbs 12:25-26(KJV): 25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. 26 The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them. Thought for the Day Verse 25 - We can help others by giving them an encouraging word. Many are stooped down by the weight of the world, but this should not be true of Christians. We can ask God daily to fill us with His love and joy, enabling us to rise above our circumstances. If we are walking in the Spirit, we will have His love and strength, and we will make a difference in others lives, sometimes just by giving a smile and a kind word. Once when checking out at a grocery store, I blessed and thanked the clerk. Tears came to her eyes and she told me that my kind words were the nicest thing anybody had said to her all day. We never know when our kindness might change someones entire day. Verse 26 - The righteous man has a good influence on his neighbors by the example he sets. The ungodly man leads others astray. In almost every neighborhood, there is a particular family that stirs up strife and trouble. We must pray for these families, reach out to them, and try to overcome evil with good. With Christs help, we can have a positive influence in our neighborhoods and change the atmosphere of our communities. Being separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17) does not mean never becoming involved in politics or civic affairs. If every Christian followed this reasoning, government and administrative positions would be left to immoral people and sinners. Being separate means no longer participating in the selfish, unclean ways and practices of the world.Gods Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture Proverbs 12:25-26(KJV): 25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. 26 The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them. Thought for the Day Verse 25 - We can help others by giving them an encouraging word. Many are stooped down by the weight of the world, but this should not be true of Christians. We can ask God daily to fill us with His love and joy, enabling us to rise above our circumstances. If we are walking in the Spirit, we will have His love and strength, and we will make a difference in others lives, sometimes just by giving a smile and a kind word. Once when checking out at a grocery store, I blessed and thanked the clerk. Tears came to her eyes and she told me that my kind words were the nicest thing anybody had said to her all day. We never know when our kindness might change someones entire day. Verse 26 - The righteous man has a good influence on his neighbors by the example he sets. The ungodly man leads others astray. In almost every neighborhood, there is a particular family that stirs up strife and trouble. We must pray for these families, reach out to them, and try to overcome evil with good. With Christs help, we can have a positive influence in our neighborhoods and change the atmosphere of our communities. Being separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17) does not mean never becoming involved in politics or civic affairs. If every Christian followed this reasoning, government and administrative positions would be left to immoral people and sinners. Being separate means no longer participating in the selfish, unclean ways and practices of the world. We are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Salt causes food to taste better and is used as a preservative. Mixed with water, it forms a cleansing saline solution. Salt generates thirst so that we drink more water. It is essential to the human body. The analogy is clear: Christian beliefs improve life and our presence preserves the world from moral decay. The righteousness of Christ makes us the salt of the earth, which when combined with the living water of the Holy Spirit, makes our witness produce a cleansing effect upon sin-sick souls and society. A true Christian witness creates a spiritual thirst in others to know Jesus Christ. As Christians, we must share the good news with this world, which is dying for truth and light to be revealed. We must not utter empty phrases and be like salt that is no longer salty: such a witness is worthless. Our light shines by the good deeds that we do. Living out what we say we believe brings glory to our heavenly Father. Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me (John 12:32). If we lift up Jesus, people will be drawn unto Him. This is how we shall bring glory to our Father who is in Heaven. Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, I do appreciate You, and I want my life to glorify You. Fill me today with Your Holy Spirit so that I might bring encouraging words to others. Father, I have been down at times in my life and I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who came to me with faith and encouragement. They lifted me up, and today I want to lift them up. You know each of them and exactly what they are going through at this time. Bless them and encourage them and meet their needs even as You used them to meet my needs in the trying times of my life. May we all be good witnesses for You and never lose our saltiness. Lord, shine on us that we may reflect Your glory. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:50:00 +0000

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