Be happy with the poor Life means something when you do something - TopicsExpress


Be happy with the poor Life means something when you do something for others. I am Bertony Paul. I was born in Haiti and experience hunger and poverty first hand. Today I am creating Ifriendnet (International Friendship Network) to promote friendship among people and nations. When I was in Haiti, I couldn’t see these problems. When I left, I could see more, and I wrote it in a book: Wolve: A Haitian-American Dream CreateSpace eStore: https://createspace/4546011 Our first successful project is: Wolove Garden Haiti in the city of Estère (Artibonite Haiti) where we are empowering 50 kids to have hope and possibilities and enable them to dreams. Wolove (Work, Obey and Love) designs to cure huger, to reduce violence and to bring prosperity and solidarity to the World. We started the project in March 2014 under the supervision of my coach Mr. Roger Weber at Howard Community College and two great volunteers in Haiti: Derilus Marceline and Amos Louisseul. Today, each and every child in this project has a backyard garden. And, we are the happiest people in the world when we find out that some of the parents were able to sell vegetables from their kid’s garden to by rice and make a dish for the whole family. If you want to know more about this brand new idea or the Wolve idea, you can come to see me on one of my next speeches or you can invite me to your community, church or school, and here’s my email address: bertonypaul@gmail . Because, today I can only share with you a very small piece of my happiness with you. I am doing that because, I was just trying to share it with a friend. But, I can’t stop crying of joy. So, I am writing it to you: Today 09/27/2014 it was about 3:36 Pm when I wake up, and you know I work night shifts. As usual, I run to my laptop to check my email and I find the most beautiful gifts of my entire life, they are pictures from a meeting done by the Wolove children in Haiti on Thursday 09/25/2014. My friends, to be sincere with you this is what happen: the last time we got the children together in Haiti was the third of August 2014. The problem is that simple: I am running out of my startup money. Because, I am the only one funding this great creativity with my own dime. And, I remember also what Fola one of my coworkers told me last week: “Paul you are losing a lot weight and I have been watching, you didn’t eat anything all night?” I looked at her, I smile and I worked away. Nevertheless, the truth is that I eat only ones a day. However, I am very happy for dedicating my life and my money to help create young leaders to bring change to Haiti and I am seeing it right here with what is happening. Remarkably, I will share the pictures at the end to help you understand my happiness better and so you too can chose to share your skills with them. On Thursday 09/25/14 under the leadership of two of the Wolove children (Germima and Clayton,) half of the group got together and have a conference call with Marceline and me and also with the help of a brand new volunteer Mr. Rubens Baptiste (IT). Moreover, the children were very thankful for what we already did with them and for them. On the other hand, they decide to get together more often to continue to learn how to work hard, obey the laws, to love and to make their Country the best place on earth. While they were singing a song that Ms Marceline wrote for them. Because I was on the speaker, an American man (Erick) now friend of Haiti too stop to listen to the beautiful voice of the Haitian kids even he didn’t understand the words; he may be going to Haiti next year to teach ‘Aquaponics system to them.’ Finally, Wolove is a socio-economic love, and I wolove you means: I love you because we are working hard together, we are obeying the laws together and we are making a difference in changing the World. The kids are the change where the future starts. So, please join us in any way you can, you can go on and click donate and give $5.00 or you can volunteer in our online classes program to empower the children in teaching them English, customer service, small business management and entrepreneurship. I Wolove you all very much, thank you for your support and have a bless day!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:54:03 +0000

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