Be informed. educate, participate and empower others....Paul - TopicsExpress


Be informed. educate, participate and empower others....Paul Andrew yet another great reference source..... On Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:01 PM, Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S. wrote: Re: The U.S. Code - consisting of many thousands of arbitrary statutory laws - is an enemy of the people. These statutes are not laws they are mandates that are specifically adaptive to entrapment and control. One cannot get through a day without violating one or more of these so-called laws; they are all inclusive, intrusive, and invasive to every segment of day to day existence. They comprise a virtual web of controlling measures that enables containment of personal freedoms, and they were specifically drafted to that purpose. The U.S. Code as it exists separates the people from their inherent and God-given liberties. Greetings Jim, The paragraph above caught my eye, in large part because our work has identified so many reasons that fully support your conclusions. For example: ( 1 ) The U.S. Code is not an accurate rendition of the Statutes at Large from which that Code was derived: ( a ) the liberal construction rule for the Federal RICO statutes was never codified anywhere in the U.S. Code, even though Title 18 was revised, codified and enacted into positive law on June 25, 1948: “(a) The provisions of this title [enacting this chapter and amending sections 1505, 2516, and 2517 of this title] shall be liberally construed to effectuate its remedial purposes. ( b ) another example is the amendment to the Federal Privacy Act at P.L. 93-579: one must already know about that amendment in order to find it in the Legislative History of that Privacy Act: ( c ) another, even more serious example is the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, which was likewise never codified anywhere in Title 26 of the U.S. Code: this is extremely serious because that RRA98 gave legal force and effect to the IRS Internal Revenue Manual: IRS personnel can now be terminated for violating any provision in that IRM: ( 2 ) some Titles of the U.S. Code were never enacted into positive law by Act of Congress -- Title 26 being among the most notorious of those Titles which have not been enacted -- and that by itself renders key sections of IRC subtitle F demonstrably void for vagueness e.g. IRC 7851(a)(6)(A) where this title is simply not defined: (a)(6)(A) (6) Subtitle F (A) General rule The provisions of subtitle F shall take effect on the day after the date of enactment of this title and shall be applicable with respect to any tax imposed by this title. ( 3 ) another even more shocking discovery was the pair of back-to-back abrogation clauses in Titles 18 and 28: we initially cracked that abomination in this pleading to the U.S. Supreme Court, and 48 UNlicensed ATTORNeys either fell totally silent, or formally waived their clients right to answer: Then, a preferred client retained me to do the same analysis with Title 18, and -- sure enough -- the exact same abrogation clause was lurking in that Act of June 25, 1948, but it was later replaced with an entirely different statute having to do with victims rights: (4) and, without a doubt, the Grandaddy of all these Frauds is the failure by Congress clearly to distinguish Federal MUNICIPAL laws from Federal NATIONAL laws: ( a ) we exposed that ruse in the Internal Revenue Code way back in 1992, in The Federal Zone: ( b ) that finding was a literal gold mine, because it helped us to develop effective methods for determining when other Acts of Congress were MUNICIPAL in scope, but written by Congress to make them appear AS IF they were NATIONAL in scope: ( c ) a really good illustration of this distinction can be confirmed by comparing 42 U.S.C. 1983 with 42 U.S.C. 1985: 1983 is Federal MUNICIPAL law: see Wadleigh v. Newhall; 1985 is Federal NATIONAL law: see Gillespie v. Civiletti; ( d ) every once in a while, Congress opens Pandoras Box -- by openly admitting that State has a special definition in several key statutes: see the Omnibus Acts for the smoking guns: ( e ) these RE-definitions of State just happen to violate the Eisner Prohibition, where the Supreme Court told Congress that it could NOT re-define any terms that were already in the U.S. Constitution: see Eisner v. Macomber; ( f ) and, quite happily, all of the latter helped to pinpoint the correct legal meaning of U.S. Individual on IRS Form 1040: it uses the exact same meaning of individual as the latter term is expressly defined in the Federal Privacy Act: (2) the term “individual” means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; ( 5 ) last but not least, the way Congress has fabricated a second class of federal citizens was fully exposed by juxtaposing the 1866 Civil Rights Act with correct key holdings in the Dred Scott decision issued only 10 years earlier: ( a ) the latter expose is so far-reaching, it has proven that Americans who are qualified to serve in the House, Senate and White House are not eligible to vote or serve on juries of any kind; and, Americans who are eligible to vote and serve on juries are not qualified to serve in the House, Senate or White House! ( b ) the Federal Jury Selection and Service Act is therefore unconstitutional for expressly discriminating against Citizens of ONE OF the States united i.e. the very same class of Americans who are qualified to serve in the House, Senate and White House! Thanks for all you do, Jim. Keep up the good work! -- Sincerely yours, /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S. 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Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:36:14 +0000

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