Be it at the visible and material world or at an intelligible - TopicsExpress


Be it at the visible and material world or at an intelligible plane of reality, whatever facts that are perceived as taking place, they necessarily occurred at the causal level first. Every event must have its own causation chain put into movement before becoming perceptible. Causes as such are invisible. Outer visible facts and objects may be subject to detection by the five senses, but their own action as Causes is not as easy to perceive, unless there is the right kind of attention and awareness on the part of the observer. The seeker after truth must have a structure in his consciousness which does not get entangled in the vast karmic network of interacting effects. As causes of phenomena are Occult to the outer vision, so Occultism is a science of the Causes. It deals with essentials. In order to do so, it transcends visible aspects of facts and beings. Earnest students of Occultism aim therefore at interacting with the Sources of phenomena. They fight the Roots of Suffering and Ignorance. They produce and stimulate the Causes of liberation from Suffering, preferring to work on the Causal plane of reality and often leaving effects to take care of themselves. Small events are the cause of big ones. Life flows from the occult or seed level to that of seedlings or small results; then it leads from the small to the big. Finally, big structures tend to disappear according to the law of cycles, thus opening room for new seeds to sprout.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 21:51:02 +0000

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