Be not decieved. The so called war against terrorism is a money - TopicsExpress


Be not decieved. The so called war against terrorism is a money making scam created by the global blood money industry to kill innocent soldiers,liberation struggle warriors n outspoken humanrights activists by using them to kill each other for the terorist crimes comitted by goverments n their crime the scam is based on the book, ANGELS n DEMONS written by Dan Brown, the author of the book, DA VINCI CODE. Set in the day when the roman catholic church had two popes. It told the story of how one of the popes committed terrorist crimes n had innocent illuminati accademics blamed for it, one of the popes solved the terrorist problems he created n had the world unified to worship the pope as a saviour from the terrorism project he created. The current #ebola terrorist project is based on a US film by NU IMAGE starring ERNIE HUDSON, entitled OPERATION DELTA FORCE. In the film, a black US special agent which developed the HIV/AIDS virus was sent into a UN #ebola making centre in mozambique ,neighbouring south africa before the white apartheid south african can use it to wipe out black people from south africa. His mission was to bring back to the whitehouse a specialy engineered version of the #ebola virus from congo along with its anti serum vaccine which was developed by the US an apartheid afrikaaner scientists. But before the black US agent could get ahold of the #ebola virus n its vaccine, a specialised commando unit of white apartheid south africa got ahold of it n infected the americans n citizens of another african country. With their lives on the line, the US special forces engaged the white south africans in a bloody war which involved the discovering of new strains of the #ebola virus
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:40:52 +0000

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