Be passionate about who you are. Stop pretending to be the - TopicsExpress


Be passionate about who you are. Stop pretending to be the versions or stories that other people want you to be. You have the rights to feel angry when it is justified, to feel sad when you have lost something, to feel afraid when life changes and to feel sorrow when you cant change your circumstances. Oftentimes people put pressures on us be their versions of who they would like us to be and when we cannot or will not be their version we can experience rejection. We can be so afraid of this that we get hooked on someone elses ideas of who we are or who we need to be. We start to feel that to maintain love we must have this or be that or do this or do that. This causes us to lose our authenticity. Who we really are is a divine spark of light. When we are authentically being who we are we are gentle, we are in our hearts and we are expressing our truths, even if that truth comes from a right to be angry. We need to stop hiding who we are. We simply need to show up with our gifts and shortcomings and do the best we can with what we have got. Stand proud in who you are. We rarely get to decide how life is going to show up. All we can do when the winds of chaos blow through is to stay true to who we are. Make sure to live who you are authentically and not be a slave to living the version of you others want you to be. When you are authentic you give others permission to be authentic too.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 11:00:00 +0000

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