Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill them - TopicsExpress


Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill them all. With all that has happened in Egypt, I have been asked when will we have had enough and follow a similar path to reclaiming our country. Why must WE practice restraint and acceptance while our way of life, strong beliefs, and freedoms are being chipped away on a daily basis. Are we NOT now experiencing the frog in the pot analogy or Khruschev’s remark on slowly but surely implementing Communism? Very good question, and one that each individual will have to answer for him or herself. Just how much will we take before we snap? I am advocating for revolution. Have we not seen the ows groupies resort to violence? How about union thugs beating people and destroying property, greenies/environmentalists spiking trees in order to injure loggers, PETA attacking people in furs or leather, gays attacking bystanders and destroying a Catholic church, Blacks burning cities and resorting to violence back in the Civil Rights days, new black panthers armed with billy clubs threatening violence to voters in Philadelphia, racists threatening a lynching if George Zimmerman is found not guilty. It goes on and on. Why is it we Conservatives are expected to remain peaceful and simply accept their warped sense of change. In essence, they are demanding we just shut up, sit down, and comply. Uhhh NO. I will not shut up, I will not sit down, and I most assuredly will not comply. To be complicit in allowing this travesty is tacit acceptance. If/when the time is right, I will be there front and center. However we can not rush head long into the fray. Three boxes are still at our disposal. We still have the soap box to get the word out. We also still have the ballot box. In this we do have to be more careful and choose more wisely. We do not have to rebuild our brand. We just need more who will follow through on the principles for which they campaigned and stick with the reasons why we allowed them to be our spokesman/woman. We have failed the last few voting cycles, but it is not yet time to resort to that third box. (cartridge box) It very well may come down to that, and I am confident in our ability to eventually win, but at what cost. Will we have so destroyed our still strong foundation that foreign intervention would then be possible? The If’s right now are too many. We are truly a very diverse nation. The lib/regressive/socialist/racist (Proglibs) have created a coalition of single issue voters. (gimme gang, pro-choice, gays, environventalists, unions, etc.) We on the other hand believe in the individual, our religious principles, our national defense, and the Constitution. Many who have our strong Conservative values might also be 50/50 on many of those single issue items. I am always a glass is half full kind of guy, and still believe that the vast majority of Americans are beginning to now see the proglibs turned up the heat on the pot of water, and we know the outcome when it comes to a full boil. Hang tight fellow Patriots. Do not quietly accept. Push back on our tried and true principles. As General Amos said: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill them all.” I pray it never comes to that, but planning is the foundation for a successful mission. Something else I very strongly believe in is “Improvise, adapt, & overcome”. We all know about our founding fathers forcing change. Here is another example most are unaware of. A little histrory lesson of the week. When the cause is just, we will succeed. Failure is not an option.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:18:35 +0000

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