Be safe out there, boys and girls -theres a bad moon and this is a - TopicsExpress


Be safe out there, boys and girls -theres a bad moon and this is a bloody Monday. Got home with my first load of wood and Sammy the Pyr and Jet the Dog were waiting for me at the back gate -on the wrong side of it. I tried to get a hold of Sammy due to the fact that her left hind quarter was shimmering in large quantities of fresh blood -but Jet circled her up and headed her to the woods. She took off running okay, so ...not much I could do but go get my next load of wood. After returning to the work site,I loaded up what was cut and stood back while the tree cutter sawed up what was there with an 18 Stihl -which promptly ran out of gas. He walked over to his truck and withdrew a big Jonsered saw with a 28 bar on it, lit it up and went back to work. He was sawing a 4 branch that was near the cut end of a good-sized log, and the saw tip caught the log, kicking the saw out of his grip on the handle that wraps around the top of the saw -and the blade hit his knuckle. In a lightning fast single movement, he switched off the saw and his knuckle got buried into his belly to stop the bleeding. You alright? I asked as he simultaneously lifted the knuckle fom his shirt to check the damage. We both saw newly formed ground meat in the trademark pattern of a chainsaw blade as he replied; No ...way. He headed to a shady spot a few feet away to sit and called to his worker that he had cut himself. I asked if he had a First Aid kit, and he did not -which leads me to believe he has possibly never been cut before in all his years of service. Leaving me with no way to help, and knowing it wasnt really needed anyway since the only shock he was suffering was that he finally got cut, and not the actual medical condition, I put his saw near the truck and finished loading the wood, cut and not. I hurried home, knowing the dogs would be at the gate again, and I was hoping I was right that Sammy wasnt going to be bleeding out, based on the fact that she managed to run away okay on the last trip, and sure enough -got home to find her laying in the driveway, and Jet already back inside the fence. I pulled the truck into the drive, set the brake and jumped out, not knowing if I was about to find a bullet hole, or a tear from a fight -and it turned out it was neither. Something died today ...and I still havent found Tucker. I hope he didnt poke the bear on the wrong day.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:48:26 +0000

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