Be still in His Presence, even though a zillion things knock on - TopicsExpress


Be still in His Presence, even though a zillion things knock on your to do list each day. There is nothing more important to do in this world than to sit and speak to the Creator of your soul. He does His best work in you while you wait in Him, this is where He will transform your mind, your soul and your spirit. Today, He has a day filled with richness for you but if you skimp on your time with Him and go head first into your own activities you will miss all the blessings. We all tend to approach the Father when we want something, we have to be very careful with our wants. If our wants lead us to idols (something that we love and worship more than Him or in place of Him) that grieves the Father. His blessings can become idols in our hearts, while He should be the ultimate desire of our hearts. I sat one day thinking about idols and came to the conclusion that I dont have any idols and made the statement Father, its only You, You are the only One I worship. I pondered on that for quite some time (believing He left me in that place thinking about that statement) and I came to the realization that I do have idols (my family) thats when I opened my see I stayed home and raised my kids, my life was surrounded by my family. 19 years ago I met my Savior and all my ways and habits had to change. Believe me when I tell you it doesnt happen over night, its taken some hard lessons over time from God to show me who the boss is... And its not me! Accepting Jesus as my Savior was by far the best decision I have ever made and I stand in Awe of who He is, I am so grateful for Him in my life. I have Peace and Joy! I can weather any storm because I stand on a foundation built on a Rock and not on sinking sand...He is always with me especially when the storm comes. Thank you Jesus for loving me!!! Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is. His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:08:35 +0000

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