Be systematic and organized..Save your own creations and those of - TopicsExpress


Be systematic and organized..Save your own creations and those of your future generations..It matters a lot... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every Individual does a lot of activities during the entire span of his/her life...Most of us fail to initially recognize our own worth and thus, hardly build any repository of our creations and contributions...Tagores poems written during his childhood were not lost, but! Why? Did he receive a Nobel Prize until 1913? So, Parents and Guardians must wake up to adjudge the talent their kids do possess and nurture it aptly and prepare quality repositories such that the Kids at their matured stages of lives find a solid platform to stand on and pursue further ahead...How many of our guardians appreciate this approach? How many can afford to proceed as such?...And, thus many golden talents lie unnoticed in the deep dark of the oblivion...Are u ready to push yourself or your progeny there? or, will follow a much more organized pattern of life?....Remember, technology, available at a much cheaper and affordable cost permits you to do a much better justice to your creativities and contributions and to those of your next generation...Just you need to duly tune your mind set and get along steadily...As an example, IBM (The software giant) is the most effective organization in terms of minute documentation and that helps them to stand as an unique Identity in the modern world...How many of you wish to differ? Aks.... 22nd Jan., 2015....
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:52:27 +0000

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