Be(tr)ayal,L(ust),Lov(ed) Jojos P.O.V. My momma woke me - TopicsExpress


Be(tr)ayal,L(ust),Lov(ed) Jojos P.O.V. My momma woke me up!! The sun was setting nd iiWass exhausted! iiHelped Prod nd Momma take bags upstairs. Wen we were done,Prod carried Pookie upstairs!! Shes funnie!! iiWent upstairs nd iiSaw a girl laying in a bed. She was pretty! The pillow had wet spots on it. Was she crying? iiDidnt wanna disturb her so iiJuss left her there! iiWent back downstairs nd Roc came in Ayee,My Spiffy Nigga! iiDapped him. Yo Spiffy Wat!?! My momma yelled. Nun,Ma! iiRolled my eyes! Roc laughed. Wassup,Jo!? he started play fighting w/ me! Aight,u win!, iiLaughed nd he hugged me. Im Aight! Buhh,why are we here!? Aye,u wanna come help me w/ sum!? he dubbed my question. iiAgreed nd followed him outside! We carried a ton of stuff inside,putting everything away. iiKept asking him questions about the house nd why we were here,he dubbed every one of them,asking me questions about school nd stuff! Roc, iiSat on the curb,trying to catch my breath. Why do u keep doing tht!? he looked at me nd filled the space beside me. To protect u!, he sighed. From wat!? He looked at me nd took a deep breath. U kno Ray!? Yea! The dude w/ the long hair! Well,he did things to ppl! iiDidnt understand. Huh? He hurt ppl! Nd ur brother nd I found out nd didnt lik tht he did tht! Wat does tht have to do w/ why were here!? Hes trying to hurt ur brother. We dnt want anything to happen to u or ur mom,either! Is tht why Prod cussed him out at the gas station!? His eyes widened. Wat happened!? Pookie went to buy something nd wen she came back,he was following her. Prodigy gawtt out the car nd yelled at him. He lashed out at Pookie,too! Ray held a stupid smirk on his face the whole time Prod threatened to kill him nd his family. He stood up nd ran nd the house. iiJogged after him. Prod,wth happened at the gas station!? Roc asked,Prod darted his eyes at me! Nun important! We needa lay low for a while! IiKno! Wait,wat!? iiHave school!! Im on the team nd iiHave friends! IiCut in Jovante,nawtt now! Prod said sternly. iiShook my head. Juss lik him! iiMumbled. Im juss lik who!? he pressed me. UR FATHER!!! UR JUSS LIK HIM!! IIHATE HIM ND IIHATE U!!! iiYelled,running upstairs,going into a room,slamming the door hard. iiSat on the floor,pulled my hands up to my chest nd put my head on my knees. iiShedded a couple tears,swaying back nd forth. Prods P.O.V. UR FATHER!!! UR JUSS LIK HIM!! IIHATE HIM ND IIHATE U!!! he yelled. The fact tht my father was also his father gawtt to me!! iiNever knew tht he felt tht way boutt me!! iiSat on the couch,Roc told me itll b Aight nd left me to tend to my thoughts! His lashout played over nd over in my head. iiCouldnt get it out!!.. Yns P.O.V. Sumbody slammed the door which caused me jump.out of my sleep. iiLooked over nd a boii was sitting there,rocking himself. iiGawtt up nd kneeled down next to him. He jumped wen he saw me. Im srry if iiScared u! He nodded nd resumed his position. R u Okaee!? He shook his head no nd iiFrowned. Wass wrong!? Its my brother! he sounded as if he didnt wanna talk boutt it. Whose ur brother!? Prodigy! he whispered. Im srry!, iiFelt bad,even tho iiHad no idea who he was. Im Yn btw! Jojo! U wanna come chill w/ me nd my bestfriend for alil while!? He nodded,iiGrabbed his hand nd helped him up. iiOpened the door,walking around the house looking for Pookie.Wen iiFound her,iiSquealed,jumping on her. POOKIEE!! Yn,iiWill punch u so hard in yo tittie! iiLaughed nd gawtt off her. She sat up. U kno Jojo!? Yea! iiMotioned for him to come nd he slowly made his way to the bed,sitting in between me nd Pookie! Wass wrong!? Prod! iiTold u,he wont b gett nun fa a long time! Jojo smiled. Pookie,why would u even say tht!? I came in iiAint ask u!,Im talm to my boo! She hugged Jojo,nd he laid his head on her titties! Smh! iiSed. So.. she looked at me. Wassup w/ u!? iiStill aint find out nun! she changed the language. Same! Buhh,guess who we saw at the gas station!? Who!? Ray! Prod cussed him.out nd yelled at me!! iiGasped. Does he kno where we are!? iiDnt think so! Umm.. Jojo looked at us. Can yall speak English! We giggled. Yea! U feel better!? Yea,alil. Lets go mess w/ ur brother! Pookie suggested. He smiled nd nodded. We all went downstairs nd saw him sitting on the couch. iiCouldve sworn iiSaw an evil grin appear on Pookies face!. Pookies P.O.V. Tbc +2 likes. PøøkîèÕ§øÇúrvý!¡!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 04:31:34 +0000

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