Beat the Facebook Algorithm With These 13 Techniques - excellent - TopicsExpress


Beat the Facebook Algorithm With These 13 Techniques - excellent nuggets here by Larry Kim of WordStream, posted on Small Business Trends. I agree with pretty much all the tips. However, I cant say I agree fully with #6 - Post More Often. This totally depends on your page and what your audience might best respond to. Posting too much is the top reason fans unlike/hide pages (posting irrelevant, off-topic content is the second biggest reason!). If youre posting multiple times per day, I would suggest that you first try *decreasing* post frequency - even skipping one or two weekdays - to see if your reach and engagement increases. Another tip Id add is to mix up the times you post; dont forget to try evenings and weekends. Even the middle of the night if you have an audience that spans multiple time zones, especially internationally. :) One of my highest reaching posts this year was made at 7:30AM (PST) on a Sunday morning! By the way, dont expect instant results when youre adjusting your posting/content strategy. It can take several weeks to train Facebooks news feed algorithms and also to train your audience/fans. Be persistent and track what youre tweaking so you can monitor new results. For example, with my one post a day on average, Ive hugely increased the ratio of native link posts since Facebook made the tweak to the algorithm to give these types of posts more priority in the news feed. That is, more priority over photos with links in the caption, and status updates with links where the native preview has been removed. Plus, the new Save feature only favors link posts. Its taken many weeks, but Im for sure noticing an uptick in reach of native link posts now. Yay! What else would you add to this list of 13 tips to try? P.S. When you SHARE this post, because its a native link post, unfortunately my narrative wont come with the share. :( Yeah, its the one downside of native link posts. SO, you are most welcome to copy and paste this narrative when sharing, if you wish. Please be sure to @ tag my page when you do. (@ tagging other pages is actually one possible factor in getting better organic reach, btw! Love that!) #FacebookTips #FacebookMarketing
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:19:25 +0000

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