Beauty Benefits of Curd For Skin and - TopicsExpress


Beauty Benefits of Curd For Skin and Hair Beauty+Benefits+of+Curd+For+Skin+and+Hair Curd is a wonderful source of: Lactic acid – An alpha hydroxy acid that aids in the shedding of dead skin cells and increases the cell turnover. Also acts as a great moisturizer, anti tan, anti dullness, anti pigmentation and anti ageing. Essential fats – Add that healthy glow and shine to hair/skin. Anti bacterial – Hence widely used in fighting dandruff. Proteins – Hence makes the hair stronger. Calcium – great manicures are made up of strong nails first, isn’t it? B complex vitamins – reduces pigmentation. Essential minerals like zinc ,magnesium ,potassium all of which adds to the health of hair, skin and nails. How I Use Curd as my All-in-One HG: Face wash/cleanser – A mixture of curd and rose water is my HG cleanser. Just massage this mixture for a minute into your skin and wash it off the way you would with your regular cleanser and watch the difference. Thanks to AHAs, the skin instantly looks fresh and alive! Lemon Anti-blemish pack – Mix curd and lemon together and apply the mixture on the affected areas. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes and then rinse off. The difference is visible in the first use itself and with regular usage one can see lasting results-courtesy the B Complex and AHAs. Having freckles myself, it is the only thing I trust to safely and effectively lighten the blemishes. It is also great for fading the post inflammatory acne marks. Anti-dandruff scalp cleanser – A pack of curd and lemon when applied to the scalp acts as a great anti-dandruff treatment due to the anti-bacterial properties present in the pack. Apply all over the scalp before shampoo. Leave the pack on for 20-30 minutes and rinse. It thoroughly cleanses the scalp and reduces dandruff. Heena Conditioner – Curd is a wonderful conditioner owing to all the essential minerals and lactic acid content. It leaves the hair soft and smooth. I use curd as a conditioner in two ways – a mixture of curd and henna or a mixture of curd and olive oil on days when my hair feels dry and damaged. It makes the hair shiny and manageable and the results are way better than some of the expensive commercial conditioners I have used. Anti acne – The zinc in the curd is great for fighting acne. Just dab some curd on the zit overnight/before bath and wash off. The inflammation and infection is greatly reduced. Moisturizer – A pack of curd and honey never fails me when my skin gets dry and lifeless. The lactic acid immediately smoothens the skin and adds a healthy glow. honey Massage cream – A mixture of curd and turmeric is my favorite massage cream in my DIY facials and enhances the complexion wonderfully. Turmeric Exfoliating scrub – Use curd and oats or curd and gram flour as an exfoliator and be amazed. It effectively yet mildly exfoliates and renews the skin. Gram Flour Anti tan – being fair and having freckles, I am prone to getting tanned very easily. I have used many products-commercial and DIY and have concluded that curd beats them all when it comes to de-tanning. Its quick, soothing and very effective. olive Oil 3 Anti ageing – A mixture of curd and olive oil applied regularly is one of the best anti-ageing packs ever. It softens dry skin, hydrates, makes the skin plump and reduces wrinkles fine lines and age spots. So, this is why curd is my all in one HG and will always be, I hope after reading this it becomes your HG too.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:18:40 +0000

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