Beauty Tip of the day: What are double lashes? Have you - TopicsExpress


Beauty Tip of the day: What are double lashes? Have you noticed that your lashes look a bit odd or you even think it looks like yo have slit end eye lashes well you don,t! You have double lashes. This is a rare genetic mutation called distichiasis, and if you’re born with it, it’s because one of your parents had it. It’s the result of a transcription error on your 16th chromosome, and can also be a symptom of some pretty serious heart-related disorders. So would it be a good idea if there is history of heart problems in your family that you go and see you G.P just to be on the safe side. There is a difference, though, between having lots of eyelashes and a double row, you wont nessarly have them all the way along either in fact we have seen them more in clusters any where along the lash line so making it quite difficult to figure out if you have this particular mutation or not. Here’s how you can tell: Lift up the lashes on your upper eyelid and peek underneath where the waterline is. If your eyelashes stop and then your waterline starts, you have beautiful thick lashes. If, however, you can see lashes sprouting out of your waterline where they should not be any, then congratulations, you have distichiasis . Now you may find that this does not cause any problems at all, it just looks like you have lovely thick eye lashes however theses eyelashes can grow inwards and can irritate your eye and scatch the cornea. The only way you can permanently remove the extra lashes is electrolysis , and i dont know about you but i think i would rather just keep the lashes. Pulling them out will only be temporary as they will just grow back between 4-6 weeks later. So there you go , you now know you are a mutant petty it doesnt give us super powers .
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 12:48:23 +0000

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