Beauty at the square Episode 22 “I have never been to the - TopicsExpress


Beauty at the square Episode 22 “I have never been to the East so, I am excited to visit that part of the country,” Biola said to Ada who had been juggling a lot in preparation for her traditional and church weddings. They had changed their plans one more time. The marriage rites would take place between her family and Nwakamma’s in the absence of both of them. Nwakamma had traveled a lot in the past year, so he could not take too much time off work to be present for the marriage rites. Ada suggested it was best the rites were performed in their absence, and Nwakamma agreed. The traditional wedding however, had been fixed for a week before the church wedding. With the traditional wedding being only three months away, Ada had asked Biola and Efe to join her for a trip to Owerri to attend to some logistics. Her parents had been in the village for a week making some necessary arrangements. “I am glad you can come with me,” Ada replied. “It has been very difficult since losing your job. Visiting another part of the country will be a welcome distraction for you. I am sure we’ll have fun.” “I hope so. I am sick and tired of sending out job applications that generate no response whatsoever.” “I know how hard that can be. Not to worry, something will come up. Let me show you around Owerri this weekend.” “Ada’s father had paid for Biola’s flight since she was still out of work. He picked them up at the Owerri airport on Friday night. A friend of Ada’s, Chinyere who had trained with her and Biola early on when they were hired at Zenith Bank worked at the Owerri branch, and she had offered to cruise through town with Ada and her friends. Ada’s father took the girls to his brother’s house, where they changed, and applied some makeup. Chinyere picked them up and they headed to a birthday party in town. “Don’t be too late girls, remember we are going to the village in the morning,” Ada’s father reminded them. “We’ll be back on time daddy,” Ada replied. “Chiichii, so good to see you again since our training days in Lagos,” Ada yelled on seeing Chinyere. “You are looking beautiful Ada. Nwakamma has been doing a good job of taking care of you. It is great you two are getting married. So good to see you two again. How is the job hunt coming along Biola?” “Rough!” She declared. “I don’t even want to talk about it.” “I can imagine.” “This is our good friend Efe.” Ada added. “Nice to meet you.” “Pleased to meet you too,” Efe said in reply. Chinyere was an ebullient, chatty girl who warmed up to people with ease. She talked throughout the drive to the party. “So have you two been to Owerri before?” “No,” Biola and Efe echoed. “It is a small but very lovely city. The longer I stay here the more I realize I never want to live anywhere else. By the way, it is my cousin’s birthday we are going to. He is such a lovely guy, and we are very close. He works for Schlumberger in Port Harcourt, but having grown up in Owerri, he throws a big bash in Owerri on his birthday every year.” They pulled into the parking lot at Concorde Hotel on Port Harcourt road. The party was already in full swing by the time they arrived. It was by the poolside. Chinyere’s cousin, Oguike had lived in Owerri all his life before moving to Port Harcourt after graduating from the Federal University of Technology Owerri, with a first class in Chemical Engineering. He returned to Owerri as often as possible, and always made sure he had all his friends and family with him on his birthday. The crème-de-la-crème of Owerri were at Oguike’s party this year, including top bankers in town, politicians, University professors, business moguls from nearby Aba and Port Harcourt, Oguike’s colleagues from Schlumberger, and more. Chinyere found a comfortable table for Ada and her friends. As soon as they were seated, she disappeared into the swarming crowd, and returned with a waiter whom she directed to serve her guests. Fried rice and chicken, and assorted canned drinks soon arrived at their table. “Girls, let’s get something to eat, then we can move around and socialize. I hope you all brought your dancing shoes?” Chinyere said. “I am ready to dance now sef,” Efe answered as she munched on a hefty chicken thigh. After several failed attempts, Chinyere managed to finally get Oguike’s attention. “These are my friends Ogu. This is Ada, Efe, and Biola.” “Nice to meet you beautiful ladies. Chinyere had told me you were coming in from Lagos. Thanks for finding time to be at my birthday party.” “Thanks for having us Ada replied.” Oguike was handsome. His ebony black skin appeared to sparkle under the illumination of the lights, and his broad smile was infectious. His hair was trimmed to perfection, and his muscular build had girls ogling him. “I would like to get to know you girls, but I have to attend to a few things over there. I will find you shortly,” He said politely. “That is okay,” the girls replied in unison. “Your cousin don marry?” Efe asked Chinyere as soon as Oguike left. “No, he is not.” “Wow! The guy is stunning,” she added. “Well, Ada and yourself,” She continued pointing at Chinyere “are off this market. I guess Biola and I can admire the guy. Just admiring.” “He is good looking,” Biola replied. “Wetin you mean? The guy pass good looking,” Efe retorted jokingly. “No be lie; he is very handsome,” Chinyere added. “You can admire him all you like,” Ada said. “My Nwakamma fine pass am.” “Na we get the right to make that judgment,” Efe teased. Chinyere continued to introduce them to friends and family while they boogied to the music intermittently. Oguike did find them as he had promised. “I hope you girls are having fun?” “Yes we are,” they replied. “You are Ada right?” “Yes I am.” “So you are the banker.” “Yes I am. “And you, Efe what do you do for a living?” He had a spongy memory that seemed to soak up everything. They were surprised he remembered their names amid the cacophony of music and dancing. “I am an accountant. I work for MTN.” “So, did you bring me some free recharge cards?” Oguike teased. “I have none for you today sadly. I will remember to bring you some next time.” “I will hold you by your word.” “No problems. You have my word.” “How about you Biola? What do you do?” “I am not employed currently. I have an economics/international relations background.” “I see. A beautiful girl like you, companies should be clamoring to hire you.” “I wish! I haven’t seen that happen,” Biola answered. She tried to hide the sadness that talking about work brought to her face. “When I become the president of the country, I will make sure that our youths are not massively shut out of the workplace by lack of jobs,” Oguike said. “When will that be?” Biola asked. “I am still thinking about it. Someday! Someday it will happen. Enough of work and Nigeria and all its issues. Come dance with me for a moment please,” he said stretching his hand towards Biola, who looked puzzled. Since her heartbreaking experience with Zuby, she had been wary of men. Besides, her confidence took a nosedive afterwards. She seemed to be shaking. Is this guy asking me for a dance? She thought. She stared at Efe and Ada as if to get their approval before agreeing to dance with Oguike. I hope I did not flirt with him? Her past ill-behavior haunted her. Efe gave her a nudge to suggest she should grab the opportunity with both hands and legs. She shuffled her feet towards him, took his hand, and followed him to the dance floor. On the dance floor, Oguike continued to hold her hand, while placing his other hand gently on her waist. She moved disjointedly, still in shock. Well, it is only a dance, she thought to herself. I am sure he will not even remember me after tonight. “You look uncomfortable,” Oguike pointed out. “I am fine,” she replied breathing hard and heavy. “When was the last time someone told you how truly beautiful you are?” He asked. Her knees became wobbly. The last time she heard things like this, it ended in utter and absolute disaster. “Thanks!” She said largely out of the necessity to be polite. “I am not kidding. You really are very beautiful.” “Thank you!” “There is a look in your eyes that suggests you don’t believe me?” “Are you an engineer or a soothsayer?” “I am an engineer in one part, but overall, I am human not a robot. I can see the despondency in your eyes, but it does not mask the beauty that those eyes of yours radiate all the same.” ***The story continues…***
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:27:31 +0000

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