Because I have a lot of time on my hands right now I think a lot. - TopicsExpress


Because I have a lot of time on my hands right now I think a lot. Right now my mind is clogged with the divide between the police and some citizens. I am not here to blanket defend the police. I think like all of society there are bad apples in the PD. But isnt it discrimination when you condemn the entire PD for the actions of a few? I am a 54 yr old white man so automatically I will be considered racist. In the case of the young black man in the Saint Paul skyway that was tazered I agree that that might have been an over reaction by the PD. But I also think it could have been diffused by the young man if he would have stopped and talked to the police and if he would have given his ID to the police (he claims it was stolen). Everybody thinks that you dont need to give your ID to the PD if youre not doing anything wrong. Maybe you dont but just because you dont have to doesnt mean you shouldnt. It all boils down to lack of respect in society and an almost automatic response to something you dont agree with as being racist. Where I work there are public areas that general public can pass through, there are also areas that are considered private areas where clients have their events. Many times I have had people going into areas that they dont belong and when you you confront them they get pissed like how dare you tell me what to do. And if they happen to be of color I am told I am just doing it because I hate people of color. I dont think I am racist but believe everyone has that in them no matter their color. What I really like is all the people that think the police are nothing but nazi stormtroopers and everything they do is meant to infringe on our rights and harass people of color. But yet when something happens they call those same police and want them to do everything to solve their issue. Finally. I care about people no matter what color, what I dont like is lack of respect and the sense that society owes you. Societies need to be politically correct, lazy peoples idea that they are entitled to whatever they want and the idea that I want respect but will only respect you if you do things how I want them is why we will never have peace.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:29:26 +0000

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