Because I was challenged... twice (by Michael Stewart, and Alan - TopicsExpress


Because I was challenged... twice (by Michael Stewart, and Alan Graham Bigler), 10ish books that have been favorites/impacting/etc. Not particularly any order... Enjoy! :D Also... sorry, SUPER long/elaborated explanations... its me, its expected. :P I challenge... I guess: Dan Zavorka (since his taste inspired a lot of this), Gina Zavorka, Dana Zavorka, Sheila Williams Zavorka, Abigail Hart Garcia, Matthew Moore, and Jose José E Barrientos 1) The Bible: Self-explanatory... life, morals, etc. Especially the King James Version (Reason: As important as this book is, I want it distinguished immensely from all other texts I read, and the format/syntax helps me, personally). 2) Harry Potter Series: The first real chapter-book series I got into growing up. I still have nostalgic flashbacks/memories of growing up with it (A.R. tests, posters in school advertising it, dressing up for the midnight premiere of the 5th book, something my dad and I kept up with simultaneously, etc). 3) Suky The Kitten: First book I ever remember reading... memorized that thing forwards and backwards, left and right, upside down and probably even in Hieroglyphics too. I was OBSESSED with that 8 page thing. I still have it in my bookshelf at home. :} 4) A Tale of Two Cities: One of the better in-school assignments... for Academic Decathlon. I liked the quote it started off with, which probably was a big reason I was captivated, to an extent, from the start. 5) Silas Marner: One of the chosen required readings in high school... my dad suggested it for me since he loved it. As far as classics from school assignments go, it wasnt too shabby). 6) Johnny Got His Gun: 7) A Spell for Chameleon: Yet another dad-suggested book. He loved the Xanth series and got me into it a bit. Wish I had more time to read more... but its fictitious, so its automatically great! :} 8) Great Expectations: It wasnt a bad read in high school. Last Christmas though, the boyfriends family gave me a copy- hard-bound, red/gold leather-like copy... Looking strongly forward to being able to read it in a fancy version. :} 9) Good Omens: A book the boyfriend introduced me to/allowed me to borrow... just another good, sci-fi comedy, that we now share in common of having read/enjoyed. 10) The book of poems I WILL publish eventually. Fun facts: Ive been published with a poem or two already, my first ever poem (written at age 8) won an online contest, and Ive written over 300 in my lifetime already). I have a life goal of publishing a book of poems, and Ill be pretty proud of it, so thats why this made the list. :) 10.5) Also, I want to publish a science fiction/adventure novel eventually. Ive been SLOWLY at work on one since 12/28/2012... and its only 31,230 words long right now... but it will be complete one day, and potentially published... maybe. Another life goal of mine. :)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:05:27 +0000

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