*...Because life aint Fairytale Always...* Chapter One. ~ - TopicsExpress


*...Because life aint Fairytale Always...* Chapter One. ~ Kiara Shergil ~ Its been weeks you hanged out with your friends Kiara. Why dont you go and meet them. My mom asked as soon as she entered in my room. Mom please why cant you people leave me alone for some days. I say irritatingly. Because we care for you. You silly girl. she kissed my forehead smoothly, and leaves the room. I am very much concerned about her. She never behaved like this. We need to find out some way as soon as possible. I heard her whisper, talking to my dad. As soon as she left, I burst into tears once again. Nevery in my nightmare I thought I would be facing this situation. I hugged my pillow hard and screamed louder. I wanted to get out of this pain, I could not take it anymore. Lying in my bed, I was thinking was it my mistake or god played a dirty game with Me. I scrolled my eyes around the room, and green legal papers cought my eyes. *DIVORCE PAPERS* written on it in capital letters. And once again flashback started playing in front of my eyes. ~ Life got rewind 5 Years Back ~ It was the ocassion of Navratri. One of my favorite from all. I had dressed myself in Bandhni Kurti and blue denim. As soon as I reached at ground my eyes started searching for my friends, I heard someone calling out my name. I turned my back and there were they. My team. I hugged them excitedly. There was a new face, actually new charming face I noticed in group. Kiara this is Rehan, My friend. Priti introduced me. I greeted him. He was tall, handsome,.wheatish skin, clean shaved, a perfect shaped lips and his eyes. There was something about his sparkling eyes that made me immediately connected with him. I felt some butterflies in my stomch. Pritis voice brought me back to reality. And I smiled shyly, that he was staring at Me. I felt some magic in air just like bollywood movies. But it was too early to decide anything so I ignored that feeling. ------------------------------- Kiara felt something for Rehaan.. ? But did he feel same for her.. ? What made Kiara to sign this papers . ?? How her life will take a troll on her. For that stay tune. :) Khushi
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:51:05 +0000

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