Because of the hope . . . (Colossians 1:5) Paul had probably - TopicsExpress


Because of the hope . . . (Colossians 1:5) Paul had probably never visited the Colossians, and yet he knew something personal and significant about them: their love for “all the holy ones” (Colossians 1:4). It was a love so impressive that news of it had reached him even in prison. It was a love that bound them together in harmony and engendered freedom in those who were moved by it. Of course, the Colossians had problems. False teachers among them were advancing incorrect philosophies and austere, legalistic tendencies. But “because of the hope reserved for them in heaven,” they had love (1:5). And that love covered a multitude of sins. Hope. One day we will see God face-to-face. One day we will know him as deeply as we are known by him. One day we will live completely and forever immersed in his love. We taste it here and now, as the Holy Spirit works in us. We experience a little of it as we live in a restored relationship with God. We receive it as he pours it into our hearts and makes it overflow to other people, just as it did in the Colossian church. Because. So much lies in that one word! Because of the hope reserved for you in heaven, you can find strength to shake off temptation when it rears its ugly head. Because of the hope of heaven, you can put to death what is earthly: jealousy, impurity, covetousness, gossip, lying, and intemperance. Because of the hope of heaven, you can forgive more readily, love more easily, and serve more joyfully. Because of the hope of heaven, you can grow in compassion, kindness, gentleness, grace, and mercy. Because of the hope of heaven, you can walk through the day with a spring in your step and a song in your heart. Joy can overflow from the hope that one day your heavenly Father will hold you close, soothe all your hurts, and tell you plainly of his love for you. Because of the hope of heaven, love and peace, unlike that which the world offers, can brighten your outlook and shine on your face. And most important, because of the hope of heaven, you can learn to love all your brothers and sisters in Christ—all the “holy ones” around you! “Father, fill me with hope so that I can love as truly as you love.” Amen
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:41:09 +0000

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