Because some people do not understand what spiritual art is, or - TopicsExpress


Because some people do not understand what spiritual art is, or what spiritual artists do, and because they like to shift focus off of real issues instead of looking at the real issues, let me explain. I am a spiritual artist. Show of hands to those of you who do not know that please. A spiritual artists creates spiritual art. That means, we create artistic representations of sacred and spiritual subject matter. Ive created spiritual art since I was a child. I was inspired by and taught by both of my parents who were artists. My father was a medical illustrator who illustrated several volumes of Grays Anatomy textbooks, among other things. My mother was a folk artist and painter. She painted horoscopes for people for example when I was small. Both of my parents encouraged me in a big way to express myself artistically. Art is my heritage. From before I was born, my ancestors used art to depict sacred objects and sacred subjects. It is in my blood. So before anyone decides to accuse me of cultural exploitation, check your history and above all, talk to me. Ask me questions. Learn about art. Ask yourself, who created that statue of the Virgin Mary in my neighbors yard across the street? Were they a confirmed Catholic? If not, does that make them fraudulent or exploitative? Or does that mean they were artists working t their craft making a living, and they happen to make some bad ass Virgin Mary statues. How about that San Simon sitting on the botanicas shelf? Who made that? And those ellegua fetishes? You know those busts you can find at any botanica worth their weight in cascarilla, who made those? are those people who sell them frauds? Or are they providing a service to others? Not every babalawo makes their own elleguas, btw. Some get them from someone who makes them, many are sold empty and they are brought to a babalawo to be consecrated. Anyone involved in the ATRs knows this. Dont try to blame me for exploiting a culture, especially when you are simply basing it off of a hate fueled blog written by someone who also didnt have the huevos to speak to me in person when invited to. And the reason that blog was written to be quite honest is because I asked him to remove an image of mine he used without permission. He was unavailable so I contacted AIRR for assistance. That pissed him off and he responded by accusing me of cultural appropriation, laughable to anyone who knows me and my heritage and background. BTW, because I am a person of self-reflection I did reach out and ask several babalawos about the issue. None had a problem with my art, including my own Baba. This is because I never misrepresented what I sell. If they can see that and dont have a problem with it, then the rest of you shouldnt have a problem either. And if you do, understand this: I DONT CARE. TAKE YOUR BULLSHIT ELSEWHERE. Now I didnt ever respond to that blog because as I said I attempted to talk to him in person via telephone and he refused. Instead, he chose to go on a rant and put me in my place. That is his gig, not mine. I was frankly quite disappointed that he chose to respond in such a fashion but, cest la vie, that was his choice. He did not understand that Ellegua actually does have a place in New Orleans Voudou, walking right beside Legba in the Order of Service. Did you know that my dear drive by haters? Do your research before casting bogus stones. And to those people who want to dig this shit up, let me leave you with some photos of my proudly made Ellegua and Elegba fetishes as well as some images from other places that sell them that didnt receive the cultural appropriation award from a misinformed self appointed agent of the ATRs. Oh and let me also leave you with this. Yes I make a living with what I do, and have for many many years. Most artists will find this a commendable feat, since making a living as an artist and/or author is not easy to do. I feel blessed to be able to do so My artistic talent is not something I take for granted. It is a divine gift - one the Creator saw fit to give me and one that my parents nurtured, and one that my ancestors uplift and inspire. I make no apologies for it. If you have a problem with it, take it up with your God. In the meantime, feel free to view some of my art on my blog Spiritual Artists for Freedom of Expression (SAFE) located here: spiritualartist.blogspot Oh and one more thing. This post is in response to a drive by I got on the American Rootwork Association page by someone attempting to shift the focus off of the article I wrote about defining religion in which Cat Yronewode is discussed. Referring to me as exploiting her culture and concerned with profit over prophet. No I am not a prophet, never claimed to be one. Im also not a hoodoo psychic, ahem. Yes, I sell my art and make a profit and proud of it. Blessed to be able to do so to provide for myself and my son. And of all the people who should be looked at for cultural appropriation, we may want to take a look at all of the culture for sale over at Lucky Mojo. Are they exempt from this too? As if eating aborted baby tissue and encouraging suicide in teens is not enough, I guess people will turn a blind eye to anything. Next.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 00:15:51 +0000

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