Because the Middle East sees this president as weak and irrelevant - TopicsExpress


Because the Middle East sees this president as weak and irrelevant its imperative there is BIPARTISAN support defunding this unconstitutional order, impeachment with conviction options remain a real option (NOT just a feigned threat) and lastly, not a single appointment made by this man be approved In order for our enemies to be reminded that we are NOT in fact supporting the upcoming reign of a dictator. By spitting In the face of our constitutional laws, ignoring existing immigrationlaw and attempting to rewrite law this president has opened us up for attack by not only IRAN but China. Wether you agree with immigration reform or not, the fact remains by usurping all the safeguards placed by our founders to keep us from tyrannical government overreach such as this our enemies have NO REASON to respect us. If we the people dont demand of our elected officials to stand united against this man there will be NO government worth leading in 2016.This decision to evoke unconstitutional immigration reform was purposefully done at this time. This was NOT a fluke in any way. He knew early on in his presidency that had he done this in his first term a new congress could potentially easily undo it. Neither he nor the democrats have ever cared about the will of the people. Sadly the republicans have been so stuck seeing AMERICA as potential voter demographics, they have forgotten to safeguard our republic. The fact that the government created race war in FERGERSON only adds to the desired chaos this degenerate administration wants in order to distract from the real picture. Obama wants a communist AMERICA he has no intention of technically leaving office. He is building an army of oppressed violent followers to attack us from within and he will lead them like ISIS when he walks out of the White House! People who only know how to live under tyranny accepting the handouts gladly from a dictator. They dont understand our voter process of what a republic has to offer and the the VERY REASON democrats DONT educate the poverty stricken MINORITY communities. Look how living in a state like Florida whose laws and lawmakers have been predominately conservative handled the Travon Martin case. Not a building burned after hearing a polarizing verdict. Al Sharpton came here and tried his best to rally hatred and riots and it didnt work. Nor did we burn buildings when a child killer walked free. Why? Because we have JOBS and opportunity here. Our poverty stricken areas are diminishing not growing. We have outstanding gun laws that protect the people. We desire thriving tourism because it sustains our economy. If the republicans in office DO NOT start caring for the needs of America NOW and forget whatever consequence they think may happen in 2016 they will be the ones responsible for finishing off a once free nation. Many states are willing to succeed from the nation altogether. Even more are prepared for a civil war. Those end results are far worse than pissing off a few MINORITY voters by impeaching and convicting a man our constitution clearly demands to do so. Both parties have played political games with our freedom long enough. This is the end result of spitting in the peoples face. I hope your listening.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:43:12 +0000

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