Because the biggest threat to Israel faulty claim of harvesting, - TopicsExpress


Because the biggest threat to Israel faulty claim of harvesting, supporting and protecting diversity is at risk! Just like many Muslim families like mine, The lands that now make up the states of Lebanon and Syria long ago offered them (the Jews) safe haven after the Spanish Inquisition expelled all Jews from that country in 1492 Few know of this but in 1982, the Israel Defense Forces shelled the synagogue, leaving a gaping hole in the roof and the structure in disrepair (...) But some Lebanese are now hoping this trend can be reversed -- and there is cause for cautious optimism. In a posh but heavily guarded area of downtown Beirut, a symbol of religious coexistence seems poised to gain new life. Crucially, all of Lebanon’s major political parties offered rhetorical support to the reconstruction efforts. Even Hezbollah, the Shiite party-cum-militia, which has fought a series of skirmishes and wars with Israel since the 1980s, has said it welcomes Lebanese Jews. As Ghassan Moukheiber, a member of parliament with the March 8 coalition, explained, “The synagogue underlines the distinction that must be made between Judaism and Zionism. (...) Although there are four other synagogues scattered across Lebanon -- in Bhamdoun, Deir al Qamar, Sidon, and Tripoli -- all are derelict or have been closed for decades. But this is not enough for Lebanese Jews to feel comfortable and free to comeback to their home country, lots of awareness work should be done along with to differentiate Judaism (the religion) from Zionism (one political discourse of Judaism) in the heads of many Lebanese people.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:31:44 +0000

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