Because they, BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans, are - TopicsExpress


Because they, BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans, are Socialist Constitutionally contemptuous Hans GRUBERIZING Terrorists to our American Middle Class individual Rights, individual property, individual American Middle Class wealth, economic prosperity, jobs, States Rights, State and popular SOVEREIGNTY and freedom itself. Elements in the State of WI and National Republican Party have indicated that they dont appreciate: SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION: Thought you might like to be in on the telephone conversation, Patriots! ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOP Hans said; I thought I told all of you GOP voters I want radio silence until further notice! Oh, sorry GOP Hans... We didnt get that message. Maybe you should have put it on the bulletin board... GOP Hans then told me; This is very kind of you, as you are our mysterious Party crasher. You are most troublesome for an individual American. Roy Rogers responds; Errrrrk,,, Sorry Hans, wrong guess! We are a major American Movement sweeping not only Wisconsin but the entire Union from Sea to Shining Sea, Hans... Would you like to go for DOUBLE JEOPARDY with Immigration Reform compromise with the Democrats, Gruberizing us into AMNESTY, and transferring our wages, our salaries and our property to them through Federal welfare packages, free public schooling, free EBT Food Share Cards, free Socialized Medicine, and eventually pass free Federal entitlements, where the scores can really change? Hans; Who are you then? Reply; Were just Patriot Constitutionalist flies in the GOP Socialist ointment, Hans; the Monkey and the wrench, a pain in the arse... Your days of GOP Gruberizing US and eviscerating our individual Rights, States Rights, economy, and jobs and then UNLAWFULLY using the IRS to steal our wages, our salaries and our property, in total recalcitrance to the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of The United States, are coming to an end, Hans... GOP Hans replies; Do you really think you have a chance against us Republicans and Democrats? Roy Rogers; YES! Hans... We do think that We The People can restore our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws UPON YOU, limiting your usurped powers and spending privileges by the passage of highly and strictly Constitutional STATE legislative means, leading to incremental State nullification of ALL UNLAWFUL Federal spending and Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch that exceed your Constitutional limits, including UNLAWFUL Income Taxes. Oh, and, Hans, they will be enforced by State and Local Law Enforcement ACTION. Yippee Ki Yay ! AMERICANS; Join US here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ - Capt. Karl (a.k.a.: Roy Rogers) #economy #Jobs #wages #employment #IndividualRights #StatesRights #Constitution #BillOfRights #AmericanMiddleClass #MiddleClass #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #freedom #Taxes #NFL #Playoffs #Packers
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:49:42 +0000

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