Because they were Roma, and they had a little blond girl, they HAD - TopicsExpress


Because they were Roma, and they had a little blond girl, they HAD to have abducted her, though they told police that she had been given to them by her Bulgarian mother, as did their neighbours. They had bought that little girl up with love and care, although theyre pretty damn poor themselves. Now its been proved they were telling the truth, the powers that be dont know who to give the little girl back to, Jesus wept, to the people whove bought her up with love and care of course, the people she loves and cried for when she was taken away from. And with some handsome compensation for unfair arrest. Why oh why is it that some people cannot stand anyone whos life style is different. Gypsies here always had the freedom to live their chosen roving life in the past. They used to park near Yelverton, sell pegs and other things, work for local farmers etc. They certainly left no more litter than any other visitors to the area, and the local shop keepers valued their trade. But the local land owner got vans of manure, and early in the morning while they slept , had his men spread it round each caravan, although there were young children inside. How civilised!! Sure there are bad eggs among gypsies, and so there are among any group of us. Get rid of the immigrants, get rid of the gypsies, lets all live the same lives in Little boxes on the hill side, little boxes made of ticky tacky, and theyre all made out of ticky tacky, and they all look just the same,
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:08:28 +0000

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