Because tomorrow is the LAST CHANCE to see my free Twelve Lessons - TopicsExpress


Because tomorrow is the LAST CHANCE to see my free Twelve Lessons Webinar I am offering something really special. I’ll be telling you the story behind my number 1 best-selling book Twelve Lessons AND covering some of the nuts and bolts of how 3 of the lessons can be implemented in your life now, to create massive positive change. But that’s not all, I am going to be doing some LIVE Cord Cutting and Energy Re-Patterning to help to unblock your flow and raise your vibration. That’s right LIVE! Woooo hoooooo! This will help you to let go of some of the stuff you have been dragging around that simply doesn’t serve you. I’m talking about the old wounds, the old beliefs and the self-sabotage, the stuff that has been holding you back and stopping you from creating the life that you want to. Then I’ll send some amazing positive vibes for you to receive that will help to build your light quotient and activate your attraction field, helping you to draw in more of what you DO want. This will be EPIC, I am so excited to share my work with you and I know it’s going to help so many of you hugely. Two things to note – I can only help you if you SHOW UP. There isn’t going to be a recording for this one, so if you want in you’ll have to be there, right day, right time. Secondly there is only room for about 100 people to attend live, so book your space and as you show up you’ll be added to the live chat roll. Once we hit 100, job done. I am setting a clear intention that the RIGHT people will turn up that want this positive change in their lives. The people that know if 2015 is going to be different that it starts with them, the people that are ready to start the process towards building the life they dream of. Are you one of those people? If you are I’ll see you there, and we’ll start the ripple that could change your life forever. Love Kate x Its going to be 12:30pm uk time - write me a yes in the comments box and I will tag you with the link, or come back later and it will be in this post. Please tell your friends and we can help more people
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:44:59 +0000

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