“Because we have such a limited and false view of what we are, - TopicsExpress


“Because we have such a limited and false view of what we are, anything that hints at something different becomes a threat, and we reject it. If that is the truth, then you are rejecting a lot of things in your life that are really meant for your good because you perceive them as threats to your false self-image, which is bound up in the body. What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present, and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good? Here is the remedy. Not to make plans, but to realize that Someone Else has been making plans for you all along, plans that are only for your good. If you knew that everything that has ever happened, everything that happens now, and everything that will ever happen is for your good, would you continue to be fearful? Of course not! Would you need to plan so obsessively, trying to control what events you will allow in your life? Of course not! Let yourself think about this statement for a while. What state would your mind be in if you believed this? What could possibly disturb your peace if you believed this? Your mind would be utterly at peace, wholly joyous, serene, free of fear, and totally secure.” Excerpt From: Watson, Allen. “A Healed Mind.”
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:58:56 +0000

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