Because when you move to your new apartment complex, they are - TopicsExpress


Because when you move to your new apartment complex, they are already there. And news that you are a gang-stalking target reaches them quickly. Who they are, you still arent sure, but you begin to suspect that authorities are aware of the situation, via either direct or indirect participation. You are still being drugged against your will, at almost every meal. You are being harassed by your neighbors. You find salvation at the gym. You report the drugging to law enforcement authorities, WHO REFUSE TO TAKE A REPORT. You still have not been charged with any crime, and yet it is clear that someone has organized your punishment. PUNISHMENT WITHOUT PROSECUTION IS PERSECUTION. What are you being persecuted for? You still dont know. Youre still not broken. Mysterious gas leaks begin to cause you headaches, and you are in your apartment for most of the day and night. Repeated calls to maintenance personnel at the new apartment complex fail to reveal the source. You cant sleep again, though instead of the induced heart racing, now its gassing. The gas sometimes feels like youve inhaled something akin to menthol, and leaves you with a brain burn very much like the one you get when you eat ice cream too fast, only more intense, and it doesnt go away in a few seconds. It stays with you all night. When you walk your dog, you find that cars seem to be spewing noxious gas as well. Or has your sensitivity to car exhaust been enhanced by whatever gas it is that youre exposed to day and night in your apartment? Who can say. When you go for walks, you are routinely almost hit by bicyclist. Little child soldiers and their attendant mothers hurl veiled epithets. You ignore them. In fact you begin to ignore everyone. And then the pounding starts. Loud noises caused by the banging of doors, and unseen people banging on the walls in hallways seems to cause your heart to jump in a way that feels as if youve received a blow to the chest. You will come to realize that it isnt actually the noise that produces the sharp heart pounding, though the producers of the noise would like for you to think so. Because the heart pounding makes you angry, and if they can make you angry enough, they can get you to lose control, and maybe attack one of them. They fail over, and over and over again. This does not deter them, they just try harder. You are outnumbered, but not outmanned, and you start to fight back. You quit the premises. You briefly return home, where you find that the heart pounding noise is used, in addition to more food drugging. You only stay briefly. You book a coach trip to Europe to seek asylum, only to be told that your chances are nill, given that your country has what is seen as a functioning political system. Your gang-stalkers are on the trip with you. You are drugged, harassed and gassed by them IN EUROPE. You weigh whether or not to stay in Europe illegally, and you decide against it. You return home to fight. In the meantime, you try another apartment complex, more than 150 miles from the last one. Your gang-stalkers are already there. You cant avoid them, so you out them at every opportunity. Your hair gets exposed to something that damages it again. The body lotion you use now causes your skin to burn if you use it and then go out in the sunlight. You still get gassed. You still get the silly, bizarre dreams (induced via hypnosis?) from which you awake with your heart pounding. You get drugged with some new substance, that causes a headache so severe that you go to the emergency room. While youre there, people dressed as hospital personnel repeat bits of conversation verbatim that youve had with the doctors at Kaiser Permanente and other people in your life. Still just coincidence? Not likely. You survive. You go to the gym. Residents come in to use the free weights and the weight machines, and let the weights crash down to the floor, or free fall in the machine. You ask them to stop. You are met with derision, and more of the same behavior. You change gym times over and over again. No matter when you go, one of them comes to bang on something, your heart reacts as if kicked. You bet if you were to request the entry logs from the controlled access gym facility that is on-site at your apartment complex, it never saw more action then when you started using it at FOUR OCLOCK in the morning, which is when you go now, just to avoid these people. You stand your ground. You call the police on two separate occasions. You use what means of defense you have available to you: laughter and song lyrics. You look each one of these people in the eye, and you REFUSE TO LET THEM DOMINATE OR INTIMIDATE YOU. You outright ignore them at your discretion when they are attempting to bait you. You get crafty with a dental mirror, which you find is a great tool for watching your back. You walk with your head high, because you have just withstood an onslaught of psychological and chemical warfare for which you were wholly unprepared, and which came at you from every direction. You have withstood TORTURE. You prepare for the next blindside cowardly attack. You seek legal redress and YOU NEVER, EVER STOP! Because you know your history. You know that anyone who behaves like a terrorist, even if such acts are committed and given legitimacy under cloak and seal of authority and/or the laws of the land, is just that, a terrorist. And I give no credence to any gang of cowardly terrorists who seek to negatively influence my thoughts, my views, my actions, or my life!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:03:50 +0000

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