Becka Roach Richardson I want everyone to know that my letter has - TopicsExpress


Becka Roach Richardson I want everyone to know that my letter has ZERO to do with political affiliation. I believe 100% with all my heart that whomever holds the office of the President of the United States has a sworn duty to protect those here at home first. When a platform like Change and Hope is used to gain votes, then dammit show us the Change and give us some Hope! This FEMA system is broken. It has been shown over and over and over again to have holes the size of the Grand Canyon. Natural disaster after natural disaster has proven that the system is ineffective. An F4 ripped through our town. F4. An F5 is the most dangerous there is. Yet somehow, based on a calculation we dont qualify? Really??? Its mind boggling. We are the ones who suffer from their oversights. We are the ones who are left picking up the pieces, rebuilding from scratch because someone, somewhere a long time ago put numbers together in a book and said it was just. This denial of aid impacts every resident of our town. The money will have to be found in some way. Perhaps it doesnt hurt us today but I can guarantee to you it will down the line. There is no doubt that the people of Washington, and towns like ours are amongst the most resilient you will ever meet. Hard working, dedicated, giving and kind. They will continue to show their fighting spirit in the coming months and years ahead. I have to ask though, why? Why must we fight so hard? Why must we jump through every hoop, do every back flip and perform like well trained circus animals to receive the help that is so obviously needed. How? How can we come up with billions in aid for others yet tell our own people that a number on a spreadsheet did not add up so they are on their own. When I addressed my letter below directly to the President, it was not a political finger at him. To be quite honest I dont care who is in office. So long as they are willing to do what they promised to do, which is take care of the people here at home. The change has to start from somewhere. May as well direct it to the top and see what happens. Help me get the letter out. If puppies and kittens can go viral then the ire of a people, the collective sadness and frustration of a town that has had enough should certainly be able to make that list. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe someone, somewhere will see it and realize that those two words Hope. Change, those two words mean absolutely nothing unless there is a third one ACTION behind them to make them have meaning. https://facebook/beckarichardson11/posts/836986122994598
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:22:41 +0000

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