Becky Bowman IDOE Director of Special Education - TopicsExpress


Becky Bowman IDOE Director of Special Education March 13, 2014 The evidence on page 2 details the terrorist activities of Merck by Merck company officials poisoning our childrens vaccines in order to improve their bottom line. Yes, they make more money to be exact for every child they turn into an autistic Zombie they make $3.2 million and you and every public school superintendent has been forced into an army of willing killers. You dont use guns you simply use a syringe and a contaminated vaccine and create a helpless ZOMBIE. If you have time read the story of Austrailian DR. ARCHIE KALOKERINOS He tells how the Australians used the army and rounded up the aborigines and vaccinated them killing 50% because they had a vitamin deficiency. Yes, if you have a vitamin deficiency or your immune system stops working you can die real quick. You probably don’t know that the scientist hired by CDC to prove vaccines are safe was indicted by US DOJ for fraud and placed on OIG list of 10 most wanted criminals. The CDC paid lead scientist Dr. Poul Thorsen of Denmark and his scientific team $14.7 million for 22 studies proving vaccines are safe. CDC used Aarhus University in Denmark as a money drop (reminds us of the mafia). Dr Poul Thorsen took the $14.7 million and ran and hid out like most criminals started living the good life. The only problem was he forgot to pay the other members of the team and they squealed on him to CDC and Aarhus University. This tended to alarm the population so Congress held a Congressional O&GR Committee hearing and invited Dr Coleen Boyle PhD Director of NCBDDD (National Center of Birth Defects and Developmental Disorders) to testify November 29th 2012. The newspapers mocked her because she testified Dr Poul Thorsen was hiding out in Belgium making vaccines for Merck but no one has been able to find this criminal so the CDC will still use his fraudulent testimony to prove vaccines are safe (reminded us of the mafia). Note the O&GR Committee Hearing scheduled for December 2013 was cancelled in December 2013 on republican Chairman Issas order. Merck probably made a large campaign donation. Well I can not be bought off and I refuse to endorse contaminated vaccines and I am presenting the terrorist truth with Dr Theresa A Deisher PhDs help. Merck has committed Biological Warfare on Americas children to increase their profit line and should be prosecuted as a domestic terrorist. Sincerely, William E Hewitt Superintendent IDOE Homeschool 27-2855-2SDT Biological Warfare By Merck 1996 - 2014 Dr Theresa A Deisher PhD Founder and Chief Scientist for SCPI & AVM Biotechnology has proven that Merck adjusted the hidden aborted human fetal cell line DNA fragments from 0.2 mcg per dose to 2.0 mcg per dose of varivax (chickenpox) vaccine starting in 1996. This increased AD (autism disorder) Prevalence rate by 2 AD per 10,000 births per year. Reference attached chart 2nd changepoint in 1988 to 1995 AD Prevalence averaged 3.75 increase per year. The contaminated varivax vaccine was added to CDC immunization schedule and Public School mandatory immunization schedule in 1996 the 3rd changepoint increase which increased AD Prevalence (autism epidemic) to an average 5.75 AD Prevalence increase per year (1996 to 2013). There is an average of 4.2 million children born in America each year so this calculates to 840 children diagnosed with regressive autism per year x 17 years (2013-1996) = 14,280 autism victims x $3.2 million healthcare cost per AD victim (CDC Data) = $45.7 Billion. Merck can not be sued by victims of autism by 1986 VICP law but this is the very definition of biological warfare and should qualify as an act of terror and justify a class action lawsuit to compensate victims of Merck company’s Biological Warfare. Merck does not list all the ingredients in their vaccine package inserts and US government does not list these contaminants in VIS (Vaccine Information Statements) required by Federal law. We recommended SCPI and Dr Theresa A. Deisher PhD file a class action lawsuit against Merck for biological terrorism. If she wins then victims would get compensated and she would force government to address the AD (autism disorder) epidemic. Please donate to SCPI for autism research and support a class action lawsuit to hold Merck accountable for Biological Warfare against Americas children
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:22:55 +0000

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