Becky Perez If Moussa is correct, this revelation has huge - TopicsExpress


Becky Perez If Moussa is correct, this revelation has huge implications. It could mean, as we have been reporting, that an act of war was perpetrated against the U.S. by a nation state – Egypt – led at the time by the Muslim Brotherhood. Khairat Al-Shater was the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading candidate for president in Egypt last year until Mohammed Mursi replaced him. Al-Shater, however, remains a leading figure within the group; he is the deputy to the Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide in Egypt, Mohamed Badie. Here is the short clip of Moussa calling out Patterson: Farahat’s find also adds a bit more credibility to the charge made recently by Saad Al-Shater, Khairat’s son. During an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad charged that his father should be released because he is “more important” to the Americans than is the safety of ousted President, Mohammed Mursi. The younger Al-Shater said that his father has the ability to release “information, documents, and recordings” that will be very damaging to the Obama administration. The claim made by Saad Al-Shater is that the evidence implicating the U.S. is in the possession of trusted individuals both “inside and outside Egypt”. Though he said this evidence shows the Obama administration is “directly connected”, Saad stopped there without saying what the administration was connected to. If the passport of a lead Benghazi attacker was found in the home of Khairat Al-Shater, it would certainly implicate Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the attacks, which is something the Obama administration has gone out of its way to avoid doing. In fact, during their trip to Egypt last week, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns seemed to all be working for Al-Shater’s release. If the charges made by Ahmed Moussa are proven true, all three of those men will have much to explain. Seeking the release of a man allegedly tied to the Benghazi attacks would be a very serious offense.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:52:10 +0000

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