Become a Fat Burning Machine Strength training, in conjunction - TopicsExpress


Become a Fat Burning Machine Strength training, in conjunction with proper nutrition, burns fat much more effectively than dieting alone and dieting in conjunction with aerobic exercise. Aerobic activity burns fat while you’re exercising resistance or strength training burns fat in the minutes, hours and days following the exercise, as the body recovers from the workout. But if you compare the energy expenditure of the two aerobic and anaerobic/strength during a workout session, and aerobic activity “appears” to burn more fat, which is why many perform aerobic exercise so faithfully. However, if you add up the fat burned by the two activities during and after exercise including what’s burned between sets during the workout itself, anaerobic activity comes out ahead. There are several reasons why… You consume more oxygen in the hours and days following a strength training session (a phenomenon known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption,), and that accounts for some of the difference because you burn more calories and keep your metabolism elevated when you use more oxygen. The muscles also continue firing for several hours after a strength work out which adds fuel to the metabolic furnace. Plus, the fat-burning effect of an anaerobic workout is cumulative, so that with each successive set, you burn incrementally more fat, leading to a kind of fat-burning jackpot. So want to burn some fat? Get off the treadmill and strength train instead!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:08:21 +0000

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