Become a Team Player and we all win! Throughout the years I’ve - TopicsExpress


Become a Team Player and we all win! Throughout the years I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to coach and teach children, of all ages, the value of teamwork and how being fundamentally sound ‘team players’ are key to accomplishing goals, even goals that may not be sports oriented. Some of those sports opportunities included coaching peewee baseball, little league baseball, metro youth football and high school football. As a coach, I taught my players that success depends greatly upon them checking their ego at the door and realizing that a team consists of a wide range of individuals with varying talents, and it’s those talents that once combined with team goals bring about the success we strive for and the victory we hope to achieve. Take football for example; I felt it absolutely crucial that I teach my young athletes the basic fundamentals of proper blocking and tackling techniques, how to carry the football using four pressure points, the proper way to catch the ball, using ‘soft’ hands rather than trapping the ball between arms and body, and finally, ‘getting into the wheelbarrow’, which means listening with your ears rather than your mouth and buying into the program, its philosophy and its means and methods, regardless of what they thought or felt. Why? Because in sports it takes a team to win, and anyone not buying into the team and its philosophy becomes like a cancer that can derail the program and greatly diminish its ability to be successful. Those that choose to ignore their coaches and go their own way are obviously exposed and given the opportunity to leave the team and perhaps join another that better suites their personal ideas and/or ideals. Dissention in the ranks cannot and will not be tolerated. These same principles hold true in business as well. For example; individuals that constantly complain, never agree and go off on their own, choosing to do it their way, also become like a cancer, that left unchecked, will grow and quite possibly take down an entire company, thus leaving management with but one alternative, termination. Like it or not, the day you were hired is the day you accepted the wages and benefits you were offered, the hours you are expected to work, and the expectations of those that hired you. If the employer chooses to never give you a raise, that choice is theirs, not a very good one, but nevertheless theirs, not yours. Your choice, at the time of being hired, was to negotiate something more to your liking, or not take the job in the first place. Now however, after accepting your employers offer, your choices are limited. You can either quit your job and find another, or perhaps start your own business and compete against them. It’s that plain and that simple. Now let’s take this a step further and see how being a team player directly affects politics and the party you associate yourself with. We, as Republicans, Conservatives, Constitutional Patriots, agree, accept and believe in the Republican philosophy of the ‘three legged stool,’ which is, less government, a strong military, and strong family values. That being said, shouldn’t Republicans already elected, as well as those hopeful of being elected, be willing to get into the wheelbarrow and agree to our basic Conservative ‘fundamentals’ prior to prefixing their name with the letter ‘R’? Too often we find how those seeking public office do so simply to advance their own lives and livelihoods at the expense of those that elected them, giving no thought to the values, principles and ideals that make us who we truly are. Being a team player is not defined as someone that simply goes along to get along. Neither is it about supporting someone because they tell you they believe in the same values and principles as you do. Nor, is it about forfeiting your principles simply because someone has the letter ‘R’ prefixing their name. Rather, a Republican team player is someone that is true to Conservative ideals, values and principles regardless of ridicule, regardless of circumstance, and regardless of whom is attempting to deceive us. A team player is not afraid of the wheelbarrow and equally not afraid of exposing those that are. Therefore, it is not the individual that stands on principle that’s not a team player, but rather the one that’s pretending to be. To all the team players that offer themselves up for ridicule for principles sake, I thank you, for without you, we, due to our own negligence and lack of integrity are no better than the Republicans in name only that lie and mislead us to advance their own political agenda. My distinct hope is that I’ve caused you to pause and take note of how some perceive others and others perceive some, but more than ever, that by reading this, you’ll take the time to research for yourselves as to whom the people are that hope to represent you. Rather than ask someone who to vote for, ask how and where you can learn more about the choices you have. There’s too much at stake to accept things at face value. Become a team player, and we all win.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 23:13:51 +0000

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